
Playlist of this Chapter: The Great War by Taylor Swift.


When I woke up, my vision was blurry and it took me a while to get my thoughts straight and my heart immediately dropped when I remembered everything.

All the blood.

The sound of a gunshot.

The dead man.

I sat up with a jolt but instantly regretted it when dizziness overcame me and pain shot through my body. I looked around to see I was in the same room as before, except it was night out now. Slowly, I made my way into the bathroom and looked in the mirror only to be horrified.

There was a cut on cheek and my lip was busted. A side of my face was swollen and I remembered Giovanni slapping me. Tears streamed down my face freely as I cried quietly for god knows how long long.

It was only when I heard the door of my room open did I quickly wash my face and run my hands through my hair before stepping outside.

"Oh you're finally awake!" Gabriella stepped in with a glass of water and medicine and handed it to me. I eyed the medicine warily, refusing to take it in fear it might be something completely different.

"It's just medicine cara mia, to help with the pain." (My dear) She said softly and I nodded, taking them from her and downing the water in one go.

God I was thirsty.

"Two maids will join you shortly and they will help in getting you ready. Please don't do anything that might upset the Master." She said and I gave her a confused look.

"Ready? For what?" I asked her suspiciously.

"The Master is taking you out for dinner. He is truly sorry for hurting you, so he wants to make up for it." She said and I scoffed.

"What makes him think I'd go with a monster like him? Tell him I said no." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest, making the woman sigh.

"I don't think you have much of a choice dear, you have to do as he says. He may be ruthless, but give him a chance. He is really interested in you. Who knows? You might just become the mistress of this house." She exclaimed and I looked at her in disbelief.

"I-I can't... He's nothing but a monster. He killed an innocent man! How can that not affect you?" I asked her confused.

"That is the way of the mafia my dear. Now I don't have much time. You only have half an hour to get ready, the maids will be joining you shortly." She said and left before I could say anything else.

True to her word, the same two maids who helped me before came in and helped me dress up. I took a relaxing bath, even thought of drowning myself but then I thought of my family and decided against it.

How would they react if they found out their daughter killed herself?

I shook the thought away and walked out wrapped in a towel. I was made to sit in front of a mirror and my hair and make up was done, making me look perfect. Like I was never hit.

I just sat there numb, devoid of any feelings as they worked their magic on me. Without thinking, my mind drifted off to... him.

What could he be doing right now?

Was he aware I was held captive by his enemy who wanted to use me to destroy him? If I hadn't known any better, I'd say Giovanni was a bit stupid if he thinks Nicholas actually cares about me.

Because he doesn't... Right?

When my hair and makeup was done they went towards the closet and brought out a silver- grey dress with spaghetti straps. It was a floor length dress and only showed a little cleave age so I was thankful for that, flaring a bit at the waist.

They made me wear matching grey heels and my makeup only consisted of a grey smokey eye, a light blush and a little pink lipstick. They handed me a small grey bag and put in a few essentials like lipstick and gum in there before giving me a sad smile.

I looked into the mirror to see a beautiful woman looking back at me. I was wearing a gorgeous dress, my makeup was on point and my hair styled into a beautiful bun with a few strands falling at the sides.

But all I felt like doing was scream. I wanted to go, be free and far away from this place. I wanted to be with.. him.

A knock was heard on our door which indicated it was time to go. I looked at the girls and mumbled a quiet thank you before I was led outside the estate with a blindfold on my eyes. I felt a warm hand on the small of my back and hot breath on my neck as I was led to what I assumed was a car.

I was made to sit in carefully and when we started to move was the blindfold taken off. I saw that I was in a luxurious car but when I looked outside, an unfamiliar landscape greeted me.

I looked beside me to see the man I despise the most, Giovanni, dressed in a grey suit matching my dress, looking at me intently as if he was trying to read me.

"You look beautiful darling." He said, his eyes taking in my appearance but I only felt disgusted by his remark and ignored it, hoping he wouldn't talk to me.

"Won't you ask where we're going?" He said after a while and my head whipped to him.

"Would you tell me if I did?" I said through clenched teeth and he smirked.

"Smart girl." He said, placing his hand on my thigh. I tried to remove it but his grip only hardened, making me wince.

"Do anything funny and you'll regret it." He said coldly, making me freeze and comply. I sat quietly, keeping the tears at bay when images of him killing the man popped into my head.

Stop thinking about it, it wasn't you fault.

When we stopped, he went out of the car and opened my door, offering me his hand. I eyed it suspiciously but then took it when I felt him glare at me because I really didn't want to get hit again.

He placed a hand at the small of my back and led me inside a fancy and upscale restaurant. People's heads whipped to look at us as a manager led us to a secluded table in a corner.

Is he seriously trying to impress me with secluded tables and romantic dinners?

I sat in one of the chairs quietly, neatly folding my arms into my lap as Giovanni sat across me and stared at me. I kept my head down, afraid of what he might do if I made a wrong move.

"Mr. and Mrs. Valerios, are you ready to order?" A waiter cam up to us and my head snapped up to look at Giovanni who was smirking.

"What would you like?" Giovanni asked me but I shook my head lightly.

"Answer me or else." He threatened, his voice low and I gulped.

"Anything you're having will do fine." I said quietly and he nodded in satisfaction and looked at the waiter.

"The usual." Giovanni said and looked at me. "Drink?" He asked.

"Water please." I said and he nodded at the waiter who left after writing down our orders.

"Why am I here?" I managed to speak after a while as the man in front of me sipped his wine.

"Because I wanted to bring you here." He replied, and leaned forward, resting his hands on the table.

"Let's play a game." He said and I looked at him confused.

"W-what?" I asked.

"I want to know more about you. Tell me something about yourself." He repeated.

"What would you like to know?" I asked him in a small voice and he chuckled darkly.

"How about twenty questions?" He said and I gave hi a small nod.

"Good. Your full name is Dove Winchester, yes?" He asked and I nodded.

"What do you do?" He asked.

"I'm in my last year of college."

"What do you study?" He asked again.

"English Literature and Psychology." I said and he nodded.

"Your turn. Ask me anything." He said and I thought for a moment before speaking. I just hope I don't ask the wrong questions.

"Do you have siblings?" I asked him.

"Half-brother. You?" He asked.

"I have an older sister." I answered and he nodded.

"Your parents?" He asked and I glanced at him briefly before averting my gaze.

"My mother is an editor and publisher and my dad is a Professor in a university. Your parents?"

"Dead." He answered and I gulped.

"Hobbies?" He asked and I played with my fingers nervously.

"I like to read... and sing... or playing the piano and guitar." I said and he hummed in response.

For some reason this felt so nostalgic. It was as if I was sitting across Nicholas like that day at the café, asking each other questions like these. My heart clenched at the thought and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Okay... Important question... Did you fuck him?" He asked out of the blue and my gaze snapped to his. I could see the the smirk on his face as he stared me down. I knew exactly what and who he was talking about and I found myself shaking my head furiously.

"W-what? N-no! I didn't.." I defended myself and his smirk grew darker, more sinister.

"Then why were you with him?"

"I.. I don't know..." I said, confused at my own words.

Why was I with him?

Was it because I was drawn to him? Maybe. And the times we met were usually out of coincidence.

"How did you meet him?" He asked.

"I bumped into him at a café back home and offered him coffee as an apology." I stated, looking down as Giovanni ran a hand across his chin, deep in thought.

"But you were with him multiple times. Why?" He asked me again and I nervously fiddled with my fingers.

"I uh... I met him at a club after the café incident when I was out with my friends one day... and then I was invited to a birthday dinner by a girl in my class, I met him there because he was business partner's with the girl's father. We had coffee later and he introduced me to his friend Jake after a few days." I said and Giovanni looked at me skeptically before nodding.

"What about later then? He was seen outside your college." He asked and I bit my lip lightly.

"He offered to drop me one day." I said nothing further and Giovanni seemed to buy it.

"Did you kiss him?" He asked after a few moments of silence and I nodded slowly.

"But why would he be with a girl who didn't sleep with him?" He asked more himself than me.

"I don't know. He seemed to follow me a few times so I don't know why." I sated calmly as if I wasn't screaming inside.

"Interesting indeed. It seems like I've found a weak link. Why did you leave him?" He asked again as our food was placed in front of us.

"He... He was engaged to someone else and I didn't know. And I was called some things and looked down upon when people found out I was in his company. I was insulted so I broke it off. I haven't seen him since." I sated dryly, the memory of his supposed 'fiancé' calling me a slut and a whore cutting deep through my skin.

"Right." He said and started eating, gesturing me to do the same. We ate in silence, although I was able to eat much I still forced myself too because I needed the strength to get out of here.

Who knew how long this somewhat peaceful mood might last, so I made the most of it.

For now.