
Playlist for this Chapter: Miracle by the Score


I've never seen him cry. Not once in my life did he show emotion. But this girl, she changed him so much that I look at him as his body trembles violently and he cries into Stefano's shoulder for her life.

Minutes pass and when he calms down, I see his legs buckle and he falls to the floor with a thud. Luckily Stuart catches his head before it hits the floor and chaos breaks out as we search for a doctor.

Stuart and I pull him up and lay him on the stretcher while he's moved to a private room for a checkup.

"How bad is it?" Salvatore walks over to me and I shake my head.

"Less chance of survival." I told him and he nodded grimly.

"What happened really?" Matteo came over to us and I sighed.

"She was shot thrice. Twice in the stomach and once in the chest. She- uh-.. she saved Ace's life.." I said and everyone looked at us confused.

"They were going to shoot him but she jumped in front of him." Stuart explained and Adrianna's hand went to her mouth when she gasped.

"She sacrificed her life for him." Adriana whispered silently and we nodded.

In my whole life, I've seen some excellent loyal people. But Dove, she's out of this world. Her love, her loyalty, to protect the one she loves is... beyond explanation.

She is one remarkable person and I can safely say that there is none like her.

"We have to inform her family..." Adrianna suddenly said and we all looked at each other.

"This isn't going to be easy... But we have to wait for Ace to wake up... We need to talk to talk to him before we do anything. Her family was already against them being together so it's better to ask Ace first." I told them and they all nodded solemnly.

I walked into the private room to check on Ace and saw an I.V attached to his wrist. We needed more security here. I quickly took out my phone and dialed Marcello.


"Prendi il terzo piano dell'ospedale dove siamo vuoti, aumenta la sicurezza dentro e fuori. Voglio che i nostri uomini siano ovunque e che nessuna persona sospetta entri in ospedale. Fatto?" I told him.

(Get the third floor of the hospital where we are empty, increase security inside and outside. I want our men everywhere and no suspicious people are to enter the hospital. Got it?)

"Consideralo fatto capo." (Consider it done boss) He said and I hung up, looking at Ace's sleeping form. I've never seen him like this and it's scaring the fuck out of me.

I just hope everything goes back to the way it was.

I really hope Dove survives. She's changed us all so much. A breath of fresh air, that's what she is. Just then Stuart comes in and looks at Ace with a frown.

"Doctors said he faced some serious trauma and stress so he fainted." He said and I glanced at him briefly.

"He doesn't like hospitals. Get him moved to the house." I told Stuart who nodded and went out.

This was up to me now. Like it or not, I was Ace's successor till he had an heir of age. I didn't want it, I never did, but I was given this responsibility by Ace and his father incase something ever happened.

I would have to be strong now. For Ace, for Dove, for everyone else who was counting on me right now.

I took a deep breath and held my head high, and walked out of the room to give the first order: Catch that son of a bitch.

And I won't rest till I do.