Perfect Shot

Playlist for this Chapter: Red by Taylor Swift, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift.

I looked at the bustling people from the balcony of Nico's room as they prepared the backyard for the reception tomorrow.

It's been two weeks since I woke up and the doctors let me come home two days ago. Wedding preparations are in full swing and I admired the beautiful flowers and decorations being arranged below.

I was lost in my thoughts when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist gently and I sighed deeply.

"What are you doing out here?" Nico asked me and I turned around slowly and hooked my arms around his neck.

"Admiring the decorations and flowers. It's so pretty." I said glancing down and turned to look at Nico again.

"You like it?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes." I said and he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Are you hungry? Did you take your medicines?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I ate some snacks Addy brought and she also gave me my medicine." I said and he nodded, nuzzling his face in my hair.

"How is she feeling?" He asked me while I looked below.

"She's nervous. Not that she needs to be... She's marrying someone she loves so I don't see why anyone would be nervous, but I guess its natural to worry." I said and Nico pulled away to look at me.

"Would you be nervous?" He asked me and I looked into my eyes intently.

Would I?

"I don't think so, maybe?... I'll be marrying someone I love but obviously I'll be worrying about things needing to be perfect. It is a big day after all." I said and he gave me a soft smile.

"Your family's here." He said after a few moments.

"Really?" I asked him and he nodded, taking hold of my hand and grabbing his cane he walked with me side to side. I still had to use crutches sometimes but I would be getting rid of them tomorrow.

Nico's leg however, didn't heal because he got hurt in the exact same place.

When we reached the bottom of the large staircase, I was engulfed into a large hug by Abby and Ava.

"Oh we missed you so much!" Ava said and pulled away with Abby after a few moments.

"We literally just met two days ago." I deadpanned and they both shrugged as Cole came to hug me with Dan, followed by mom and dad.

"How are you feeling now sweetheart?" My mm asked me as we settled in the living room.

"Better mom. How's your book going?" I asked her and she sighed tiredly.

"There's still a lot to do and very little time... But it's going well otherwise." She said and I smiled.

"If anyone can finish it, it's you. Don't worry, it'll turn out amazing." I said patting her shoulder and she smiled.

"Thanks sweetheart." She said and we both glanced at dad and Nico talking about something and nodding to each other.

"He's a keeper, no?" My mom gestured to Nico and I smiled looking at him.

"Yeah. He really is." I said and smiled to myself. I glanced around at everyone else and saw Addy, Abby and Ava talking animatedly about tomorrow's ceremony and Cole, Dan, Stuart, Matteo and Jake playing a card game.

I feel so happy right now, with everyone I love around me.

"How's the prep for tomorrow coming along?" My mom asked Adrianna who smiled warmly at her.

"Oh it's going really well. Just a few minor things but otherwise everything's almost ready." She said and my mom smiled at her.

Apparently Ava and Abby were going to by Addy's bridesmaids since there were no other female cousins available, not that they minded it, they were absolutely ecstatic.

More than the bride sometimes.

I sighed, turning to sit more comfortably and winced a bit when a searing pain shot through my chest, enough to make my eyes watery as I shut them tightly.

"Shit." I muttered and suddenly two large hands wrapped around mine and I looked up into Nico's eyes. The way his brows furrowed when he looked at me, he knew I was in pain.

This shit sure hurts like a bitch.

"Let me help love. You need to lie down and rest a bit." He said and lifted me into his arms and settled me onto the couch so I was more comfortable.

"Okay now?" He asked me wiping the lone tear that fell from my eyes and I nodded.

"Much better thank you." I said and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as Nico kissed my forehead before going back to my dad.

"You okay Dovey?" Cole asked me worried and I nodded slowly. As healed as I was by now, it still hurt sometimes where I was shot, although rarely now but Nico was still concerned.

Just then the doors opened and Nico's uncles Stefano and Salvatore walked in followed by an overly confident Sofia. Nico moved towards them and greeted his uncles.

He barely glanced at Sofia and I could see her visible frown when she noticed no one acknowledged her.

Bitch deserves it.

My blood boiled and my heartbeat drummed in my ears when I looked at her and all I wanted was to shoot her right now for trying to get me killed and almost succeeding, and betraying everyone.

Could I borrow someone's gun?

Jake noticed my hard glare towards Sofia and he came to sit beside me and took my hand.

"Hey, don't let her trample over you. We have a plan, and she'll get what she deserves. And trust me when I say this, it's not going to be a petty sight." He said quietly and I looked at Jake for a moment.

"I can't just forget the fact that she tried to get me killed and Nico could have gotten seriously hurt too. She almost succeeded." I gritted out and felt Nico move towards me and squat down in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking between me and Jake.

"Oh look, our dear Dove is finally awake. You had us all so worried!" She exclaimed and scoffed while Jake rolled his eyes. Nico's jaw clenched as he looked at me.

How fake can a person really get?

"I'm quite alright, unfortunately for you." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Drop the attitude. You have no idea how worried we were and how much Ace paid to make sure you were breathing." She hissed and I could see my family as well as Nico's flaring up and Nico's jaw clenched tighter if that was possible.

Can I shoot her now?

"Get her out of here before I put a bullet through her head. I won't hesitate and you know it." I hissed at Nico who looked at me for a moment before standing up to his full height and faced Sofia with a glare that would make you shit your pants.

Yes, it was that scary.

"Out." He said calmly, although there was nothing calm about his voice as anger rolled off of him and the temperature seemed to drop suddenly.

"Why are you listening to her Ace? Do you not care for me anymore?" She said faking a sad face but Nico seemed unfazed.


"Leave. Or I'll make you." He said clicking the safety of his gun off and Sofia glanced at the gun strapped to his waist and gulped before throwing me a glare and stomping off.

Nico relaxed visibly and turned to face me a moment later.

"Ready to train love?" He asked me and I nodded. He carefully lifted me up into his arms and carried me bridal style towards the basement, everyone following behind us.

We stepped into an elevator and all of us went down in groups. I glanced around the training hall and saw a shooting area on one side, and a mat for hand-to-hand combat on another side.

There was a vending machine and a freezer for drinks in the corner and some couches and tables were aligned along with it.

A punching bag and a wrestling ring was also present and we all looked around the place in awe.

"What are we doing first?" I asked Nico who took out his gun.

"Shooting." He said and one of his men handed him a black gun quite similar to his own. He looked at it carefully before placing it in my hands.

I examined the gun and saw the 'King' family crest engraved on the side of the gun, just like Nico's.

"This is yours." He said and I looked up at him.


"Really?" I said excitedly and he nodded while Jake handed everyone guns except for Addy, Ava, mom and Abby.

I was the only female with a gun here and for some reason, I felt oddly powerful just holding it in my hand. The most important part of our plan was to train everyone who wasn't experienced so that they could fight for themselves if the need rose.

It was necessary and my family understood the weight of the situation.

Jake, Matteo and Stuart taught dad, Dan and Cole how to use the gun and they got the hang of it pretty quickly and were really good at shooting surprisingly.

Maybe because of the balloon shooting?

"Dove?" I was pulled out of my daydreaming by Jake.

"Yes?" I asked him and he gestured to the targets.

"We're seeing who has the best aim. You joining us?" He said and I nodded enthusiastically and got up with Matteo's help and walked over to them.

All of the men in Nico's family were taking part in this game and so I did too, while the others cheered for us.

"Go Dove!" Abby cheered and I laughed at her while Nico's uncles shot their targets and were really good. They both moved away smirking and it was Stuart, Matteo and Jake's turn.

All three of them were freakishly good and I felt myself wondering if I should have agreed or not.

They were obviously used to this.

"Try beating that." Matteo smirked at us and pumped his fist with Jake and Stuart before looking at Nico who pulled out his gun and stood in front of his target, and shot thrice.

His bullets went right through the center and everyone cheered for him. He looked so casual when he shot, the way his muscles flex when he stretched his arm made me want to stare all day.

God why does he have to be so hot?

But since I wasn't planning on being labelled as a creepy person, I had to tear my gaze from the smirking Greek god who obviously caught me staring.

I should really be more discreet.

"You turn Dovey!" Matteo said a little too loudly and I smiled nervously before standing in front of the target.

I looked at the gun and then the target, taking a deep breath and aimed the gun with my right hand, pulling the trigger.




I exhaled slowly when I was done as the sound of the shot rung through my ears, oddly matching the sound of the shots the day I was hit.


My blood ran cold and I looked around the quiet room hesitantly at the amazed faces and then at the target; three bullet holes right in the middle of the target with hardly any space in between them.

And suddenly Cole shouted "SHE WON!" and everyone erupted into a cheer as I looked at everyone's smiling face.

"Looks like we've got our best shooter." Stefano said patting my shoulder and I smiled, my gaze landing on Nico who looked at me surprised with a faint smile smile on his lips.

Holy mother of Jesus. Wow.