Under Pressure

Playlist for This Chapter: Nothing Left To Say Now by Imagine Dragons, Arcane Theme (Epic Remix with Vocals) Enemy by Imagine Dragons.

With the preparations going on for the masquerade party, I noticed Nico getting a little distant to me.

I understood he was busy handling legal and illegal businesses even though he had help from Jake and Stuart and even Matteo, but they could only do so much, since he had the final word.

And then with organizing the party that was supposed to be the biggest one of the year, apparently, and the whole Giovanni situation didn't exactly help his already busy schedule.

But he didn't let all that 'work' stop him from exploring every inch of my body, whether be it at night or in the morning or when he'd randomly wake me up in the middle of the night because he felt 'horny'.

"So, when are you going to your honeymoon?" I asked Adrianna as we lounged near the swimming pool in our bikinis, soaking up the Italy sun.

"After the party. And after solving the problem revolving around Giovanni or we'd be worried the whole time." She said sighing, glancing at her glimmering wedding ring.

"Marriage suits you. You look happy." I said turning to face her and she did the same, pushing her sunglasses on her head.

"I am happy, and thank you, it does. Stuart takes good care of me. If you know what I mean." She winked and I pretended to gag.

"Too much info, Addy." I said when she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Any sign of Ace since yesterday?" She asked me, peering into her glass of lemonade when I sighed heavily.

"No, he hasn't come back yet." I said, my mood dull all of a sudden since Nico hadn't made an appearance since yesterday afternoon after a steamy make out session with me, saying he had to take care of some things at the warehouse.

And we all know he doesn't actually take care of the people there.

"I'm sure he's busy." She said and I hummed in response.

We stayed out for another hour or so before heading back in and decided to watch a rom-com movie, which lasted nearly two hours of us laughing till we dropped, and even then, none of the men had come back home yet.

"Do you have a dress for the party yet?" Adriana asked me and I nodded.

"Nico said he'd get me one himself." I said smiling a bit when she awed.

"You know, I'd never thought Ace had even one romantic bone in his body." She said stirring the sauce for the pizza we were going to make.

"But he does." I pointed out and she grinned.

"That he does." She said when Stuart strolled in leisurely, whistling to himself. When he saw Adriana, he grinned at her and kissed her lips before sparing me a glance.

"Stuart." I said in a warning tone, my eyes glaring daggers at the guy while he smiled sheepishly.

"Dove, how are you?" He said, trying to be ignorant but the nervousness in his voice was unmistakable.

"Where's Nico?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips when he pretended to think.

"Warehouse...?" He said nervously when I sighed, shaking my head and slumped on a stool.

"Why won't anyone tell me where he is?" I said frustrated when he opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off instantly.

"And don't you dare say warehouse again because I know he isn't there." I glared at him.

"Well, all I can tell you is that he actually is busy at the club with someone." He said and when none of us said anything his eyes widened as he shook his head frantically.

"No, no not like that! What I meant was he was actually at the warehouse and then went to the club to handle some matters. Someone's really going to get it tonight." He said my eyes widened as he registered his words.

"Fuck, that's not what I meant, I'm only making this worse... Ace sent me to apologize to you for being so late but he couldn't help it, things got really hard back there and he had to take care of them immediately." He said and instantly pursed his lips and closed his eyes while I gaped at him.

"Stuart, sweetheart, why don't you leave, yeah?" Adriana said pushing him out of the kitchen and sighed, turning to face me.

"Well... that was a surprising turn of events." I said and both of us burst out laughing before continuing to make the pizza.

Before I knew it, we were done with dinner and everyone had gone to their respective rooms to get some sleep for the party tomorrow, and Nico was yet to make an appearance. I hadn't seen Jake all day either and figured the two must be together.

Sighing, I leaned against the balcony, looking at the gardens below as the light wind caressed my hair softly.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in the fresh air as two arms wrapped around my waist from behind, a strong cologne invading my senses as I leaned back into the hard and muscular chest.

I felt the top of my head being kissed before his mouth latched to the side of my neck, placing wet kisses everywhere he could and pulled the shoulder of my gown in the slightest to suck at my skin.

"When did you come back?" I said when he sighed, kissing my cheek softly before resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Just now." He replied, his voice strained and more tired than usual.

I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him tightly while he ran his hands down the length of my back.

"I missed you." He whispered when I pulled away to look up at him an smiled briefly, although not before noticing his tired features.

"I missed you too. Where have you been?" I asked as he pulled us both back inside the bedroom, closing the balcony door softly behind him before settling on the couch and pulling me onto his lap.

"Been busy working around." He replied when I cupped his face in my hands and pecked his soft lips.

"You work too much." I said.

"You worry too much." He replied, amusement lacing his tone as our small pecks turned into something deeper and into a full blown make out session. I pulled away before we went any further because I knew how tired he was.

"You look tired." I raked my hand through his hair and he nodded, yawning after wards and making me smile.

"You know, when I asked Stuart where you were this evening he gave me the impression you were cheating on me." I said when a corner of his lips twitched upwards as he raised a dark brow at me challengingly.

"Really?" He asked when I nodded, tugging at his tie and freeing him from its grip around his neck.

He sighed in relief once it was off as I proceeded to take his blazer off, then started unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

"And? What did you think?" He asked me as I opened the last of his buttons and shrugged.

"Nothing really, except the fact that Addy and I had a good laugh about it afterwards." I said when he smiled at me amused.

"Come on big guy, get going to bed." I patted his chest and got off his lap, tugging at his hands when he groaned before standing up.

He staggered to the bathroom lazily, making me chuckle at him when he glared at me before shutting the door.

I heard the shower start as I slipped under the covers and scrolled through social media on my phone to pass the time when Nico came out in his sweatpants only, throwing his towel in the laundry before slipping in next to me, he laid his head on my chest.

I put my phone aside and ran my fingers through his hair while he held onto my waist like a child holds a teddy bear.

Flattering, I know.

"Is everything set for the party tomorrow?" I asked and heard him sigh.

"Yes. Are you excited?" He asked me when I hummed in response.

"I guess so. Any thing I should be aware about?" I asked casually when I suddenly felt him become stiff.

"Nico?" I called out when he cleared his throat before responding.

"Nothing that special, just that some of the most important people of the mafia world will be present." He said a little strained while I hummed in response, threading our fingers together with my free hand.

"It'll be great, I know it." I said confidently and felt him kiss my hand.

"Thank you my love." He whispered and before we knew it, we were both fast asleep.

* * *

The next day wasn't any more relaxing especially with the party tonight. I saw the staff scurrying about and guards being informed on their duties by Jake. I walked up to him and he smiled when he looked at me.

"Hey Dove, excited for tonight?" He asked me the same thing as Nico last night and I shrugged.

"I guess so." I said when he smirked my way.

"You should be. This party's going to be lit and I have a feeling that's it's going to be more than just a party tonight." He said while I looked at him confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him frowning when he shrugged.

"That's for you to guess and me to know." He said and dismissed the guards before sauntering off to god knows where, whistling away as he went.

I spent the most of of the afternoon reading books and listening to music along with strolling the gardens that looked absolutely beautiful before Adriana came to fetch me to start getting ready for the evening after lunch.

"So what will it be? Rose, or vanilla?" She asked me holding up two bath scents in her hands as I scanned them before pointing at the Rose one.

"Good choice." She said before putting some in the bath.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Don't take too long, the stylist will be here in a while." She said before leaving me alone in the bathroom and closed the door securely.

I sighed, stripping out of my clothes and settled into the warm bath, my muscles relaxing immediately as I tipped my head back and enjoyed just sitting in the water.

When I felt the water getting cooler, I stepped out of the tub and rinsed the soap off my body, also washing my hair nicely before I stepped out in my bath gown, spotting Nico talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes, yes. No, I want it absolutely perfect, not good, perfect. This night means a lot to me. Get it done, I don't care." He hissed into the phone before throwing it on the couch and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I tip toed from behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He flinched at first before relaxing when he saw it was just me.

"When did you return?" I asked him when he turned around, pecking my forehead.

"A while ago. Are you going to get ready now?" He asked me and I nodded, noticing he wasn't looking me in the eyes.

"Nico? Is every thing okay?" I asked him worried and took hold hold of his hands.

"Yes, everything is fine, why do you ask?" He asked when I shrugged.

"I don't know, something feels off with you guys." I said narrowing my eyes at him when he tilted his head to the side.

"How so?" He asked, and I noticed the edge in his voice.

"Well for starters, Jake was being overly suspicious about tonight." I said when he rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath.

"And then you won't even look at me properly." I said when he sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry my love, I've just been really stressed, but it'll all be over tonight, yeah? Well, most of it, at least." He said and I nodded when he pecked my lips.

"I'm going to get ready and wait for you, okay?" He said cradling my face when I nodded.

"Okay." I sighed defeated, knowing he wouldn't spit anything out anyway as I watched him shrug his blazer off and unbutton his shirt before he went into the bathroom.

"Dove?" I saw Adriana peek through the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I gathered my things and followed Adriana to a big room where the stylists, designers and make up artists were waiting for us.

"Ms. Winchester, it's a pleasure to meet you." The stylist said shaking my hand with a smile.

"Likewise, and please, call me Dove." I said smiling before I was led to sit in front of a large mirror and they started doing their magic on me and Adriana.

It took them nearly an hour and when they were done, we were ushered to change. Adriana went in first, coming out a while later all dressed up in her black dress.

"Wow. Stuart is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this!" I exclaimed at the designers helped her put on her jewellery.

"Thanks girl." She winked at me, causing me to laugh at her as I went in next to change. I still didn't know what my dress looked like or even what colour it was.

I carefully unzipped the garment bag, gasping when I saw the luxurious fabric and pulled it out, gaping at the undeniably beautiful dress.

"Wow." I whispered, running my hand over it and with a smile, I quickly wore my lingerie underneath before slipping on the dress carefully.

A designer helped me zip it up and to wear my heels and when I went out to show everyone, I heard numerous gasps.

"Well?" I twirled around with a big smile while they all gawked at me.

"I think I'm not straight anymore." Adriana said wide eyed when I laughed at her, but my laughter died down when I looked at myself in the mirror, utterly shocked at my reflection.

I looked beautiful. I felt beautiful.

The girls helped me put on the diamond jewellery Nico had gotten along with the dress while I felt like a literal princess.

"Forget Stuart, Ace is the one losing his mind tonight." Adriana said grinning while the others complimented me on how beautiful I looked.

My make up was kept natural and on point, a smokey light blue that made my eyes stand out with winged eyeliner, a soft peach-pink blush along with highlighter to define my cheekbones.

My lips were painted a warm pink colour to finish the look and my hair were beautifully curled at the ends.

I smiled wide, feeling every bit a princess as were handed our masks and clutches before being escorted downstairs where the men would be waiting or us.

On hearing the clicking of heels, the men looked up as Adriana went down first while I was being handed my things.

Stuart looked like he would die from happiness the way he spun her in the air when she reached him and kissed her lips before pecking her cheek.

"You look amazing." He said grinning before looking around.

"Where's Dove?" He asked.

"She's coming in a second." Adriana replied as I started my trek down the stairs nervously, hoping Nico would what he saw.

My hand slid down the railing as the boys came into view and I watched as Nico pace around agitated and nervous for some reason.

"There she is." Jake whistled when Nico looked up, stopping in his tracks as I made my way down. There was silence around us and the only sound was of my heels clicking on the stairs.

Nico's eyes ran over my body, lingering for a lot longer than I thought before meeting my gaze.

I saw so much admiration and adoration swirling in his eyes as he stared at me while I stood directly in front of him.

He brought his hand up to caress my cheek softly, letting out a shaky breath as his eyes drank me in hungrily.

"Beautiful. Così bello e stupendo. E tutto mio." (So beautiful and gorgeous. And all mine) He whispered, drawing me closer and capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine.

"You look amazing my love." He whispered and I smiled shyly, taking in his three piece suit with the matching light blue pocket square and bow tie that matched my dress.

"Thank you. You look really handsome too." I said smiling when he smiled back, kissing my forehead when someone cleared their throat behind us.

"Not to interrupt this heart warming moment or anything, but we'll get late if we don't leave now." Jake said sheepishly when Nico scowled at him before he was handed our masks.

He carefully help me put my matching light blue mask on before putting on his own intricately designed black one before took my hand and led me out towards our car.

We all settled in different cars and had many other cars around us with guards for security as we left.

Nico's hand settled on my thigh, our fingers intertwined together as we left for the party.

We reached the venue in about twenty minutes when our car stopped in front of the entrance.

Nico got out and opened my door for me, holding his hand out for me to take with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you." I smiled taking his hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, and with our arms linked together and cameras flashing, we went inside the largely decorated hall.

I gasped looking at all the decorations around us, people dressed in their finest with masks on as they roamed about with champagne in hand.

Chandeliers hung from the ceiling while the hall was decorated in light blue and gold that matched my dress.

I gasped and looked at Nico who was already staring at me. Smiling, I kissed his cheek.

"Do you like it?" He asked me and I nodded, letting my eyes wander before looking back at him.

"I love it, it's beautiful, thank you!" I exclaimed when he chuckled, looking forward at the people who were now looking up at us as we started our decent down the stairs.

Nico's cold mask was back on on his face as he oozed a dark power and dangerous aura with me on his arm as we descended down the stairs with everyone's eyes on us.

On reaching the end, Nico turned to me, kissing my forehead affectionately before moving forward with me as the crowd parted for us automatically and I knew he did that to make a statement.

I was his.

Forever and always.