
Playlist for this Chapter: Birds by Imagine Dragons, Nothing Left to Say Now by Imagine Dragons.

- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

My eyes squinted as I pried them open at the bright light falling onto them, wincing when a searing pain shot through the back of my head.

Groaning, I sat up in bed, my eyes widening in alarm when I felt a bandage around my head and looked around the unfamiliar room with wide eyes as everything came rushing back.


As if one cue. the door to the room was unlocked and a woman walked in, smiling a bit when she saw me when I narrowed my eyes at her, remembering her clearly.

I know her.

"Gabriella." I said after a few moments, putting a name to her face after racking my brain when her smile widened.

"You remember me!" She beamed, walking towards me as I looked around the room for possible escape routes and all hope deflated when I saw a guard lock the room's door, another two behind him.

The window was sealed shut tightly, and there were only two other doors which I assumed lead to the bathroom and closet.

"Good morning, dear, how are you feeling?" She asked while I watched her movements cautiously.

"My head hurt's a bit."

"Why don't you go freshen up and take a shower before breakfast? You might feel better." She suggested.

I didn't have the energy in me to argue with her as I nodded and got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it securely.

Running my hands through my hair in frustration, I winced when my hand brushed the back of my head where I had been hit as I looked around the marble bathroom.

Spotting the widow, I hurried over to it, trying to pry it open but it was jammed. I looked for something to break the glass but all I saw was a spare toothbrush and some toiletries, nothing that could be used for a possible escape.

I felt my chest constrict when I thought of Nico and I let a few tears make their way frown my face as I slumped against the counter, holding in the sobs that were threatening to break free as I splashed the cold water on my face.

I miss him so much.

Wiping my tears away, I quickly brushed my teeth and stepped under the hot shower after stripping, feeling the water ease my aching muscles and headache as I washed myself and then my hair.

Stepping out in a bath gown and towel on my head, Gabriella was still waiting for me and smiled when she saw me.

"Choose something to wear, why don't you?" She gestured towards the closet.

I nodded once stiffly, moving into the closet as my eyes scanned all the female clothing and accessories in there wearily.

The tags were still attached to everything, so I assumed they were all new as I pulled on some undergarments and then plain blue jeans and a white button down.

I let my hair down to dry on its own and put on white sneakers and a lip balm to help with my chapped lips before going back out.

"You look lovely dear, come, the master is waiting for you." She said, a little bit too excited before her hands fell on the engagement ring on my left hand while dread settled within me.

I don't want to see him.

The wedding ring was no longer there. I had dropped it on the driveway when I knew I was fucked so Nico would know what happened to me.

What an amazing wedding gift to myself, getting kidnapped by a psychotic freak the day I got married was all I ever wanted.

"You should take that off, the master wont take kindly to it." She said a bit serious when I frowned.

"Why should I take it off? I'm a mar- engaged woman, soon to be married, and to Nicholas King, not Giovanni." I said furiously and saw her frown.

"I don't think you can do much about the situation now, dear. The master plans on marrying you soon." She said and my eyes widened in a panic at her words.

"W-what?" I stumbled back a step and saw her sympathetic expression.

"I'm sorry, dear, I can't do much about it. But know that the master will keep you happy." She said when I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest.

"Happy? I love someone else for fuck's sake! I can never be happy with that monster." I spat before the door was unlocked and two guards stepped in.

"The boss is waiting downstairs." The bulky and muscular one spoke while I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"Well then you can tell your 'boss' to go fuck himself because I want nothing to do with him." I said furiously as the guards glared at me.

"You will come with us, or there will be consequences." The other one spoke furiously, taking a step in my direction and making my demeanour falter.

I considered taking the two down, but they were too muscular and strong for me, especially with my weak state.

I contemplated for a few moments before clenching my jaw and nodding stiffly as the men led me down a tiled staircase and into a large room with a big dining table while I stuffed the ring into my back pocket discreetly.

Looking around the brown and beige themed room, I heard the scaping of a chair against the floor and my eyes snapped to cold, grey ones, making my steps falter as I froze in my spot.

Please don't come near me.

The harsh memories resurfaced as I remembered how he tortured me, killed men in front of me brutally and I shivered in fear as his eyes roamed by body before he smirked.

"Darling, it's so good to see you again. Come, let us eat." He stalked closer to me and I flinched when he was only two feet away from me and offered me his hand.

I looked at him wearily, fear making my heart thunder in my ears when a glare from him made me put my shaky hand in his as he led me to the table, pulling out a chair beside him for me.

I sat down as he pushed the chair in and sat himself and breakfast was served. I couldn't even swallow my food, feeling like puking all over this man's expensive suit and them stabbing him with my knife and fork.

How I wish I could kill him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked shakily, feeling frustrated and angry.

All I wanted was Nico to wrap his large and comforting arms around me and kiss me like he always did, whisper sweet nothings in my ear as I slept soundly in his safe embrace.

"All I want is you." He said casually, looking me over.

"I want to go home." I gritted out when he smirked.

"Home? This is your home now, darling. Get used to it." He said and I slammed my hand on the table and stood up furiously, not caring about how much the same man had tortured me.

"I want to go back! You don't own me!" I yelled furiously when he abruptly stood up, clutching my throat in a vice grip while I struggled for air, pulling at him to let me go.

"I own you now, darling, get that in your pretty fucking head before our wedding." He said angrily when tears escaped my eyes as he shoved me onto the ground.

"I will not marry you." I gritted out, rubbing the sore sot on my neck from here he held me as I struggled to breathe.

"You forget what I did to you last time you were with me, darling. Would you like a reminder?" He hunched down in front of me.

I filched and scrambled away from him in fear, his eyes sparkling with an evil glint in them.

"Thought so." He said standing up and looked at someone behind me.

"Make sure she eats and then take her back to the room. I can't have a starved bride, now can I?" He said when I gulped, trying to control my breathing.

"Oh, and before I forget, if you try to escape or do anything of the sort, remember your family. Their lives are in my hands." He said in a dark tone before sauntering out of the room while I let the tears flow down my face freely.

My family? He can't possibly hurt them, right? Nico had them protected.

Shakily, I got up on my feet, my body swaying as Gabriella made me eat the food before leading me back to my room.

I stayed in the room for the next two days, praying to god Nico would find me an didn't cause trouble for anyone in case my family's safety really was concerned.

I knew he would find me soon.

Most of my day would be spent crying or throwing up, although I didn't let Giovanni get wind of the throwing up part or he'd get me to take medicines and god knows what he would put in those.

"Dove, dear, I brought you some snacks." Gabriella came into my room. She was surprisingly nice to m, and actually cared for me.

Although I resented her when she tried to make me accept my fate and marry Giovanni, because no way in hell would I want to marry that monster.

But she also made sure I was healthy and well fed, even though I knew it was her job to do so, I was still grateful for her little company.

"Are you feeling well? You look a little pale." She said when I nodded.

"I just couldn't sleep properly." I mumbled, clutching the pillow closer to me on the couch, my legs folded under me when she offered me a bowl of soup.

As soon as the smell hit my nose, I felt the urge to throw up but controlled it as much as I could but when I couldn't take any more of the strong smell, I ignored everything and practically sprinted to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

After hurling my guts out, I shakily stood my feet, feeling dizzy as I clutched the sink before splashing my face with water and rinsing my mouth, I glimpsed at Gabriella watching me curiously from the bathroom door.

"How long have you been sick?" She asked when I realized she had seen me.

"Just now." I let the lie flow smoothly from my lips when she raised a brow at me.

"Don't lie to me dear, I know you've been throwing up since that day after breakfast." She said ad I bit my lip.

"Please don't tell him." I whispered in fear when she frowned.

"What other symptoms do you have?" She asked almost hesitantly when I frowned.

"N-nothing else." I stuttered.

"I won't tell him." She said after a few seconds when my gaze snapped to hers and she gave me a nod.

"I just feel really tired and have a slight headache. And I feel dizzy at times." I stated when her eyes widened a bit.

"When did you last have your period?" She asked when I frowned, racking my brain before it clicked.


It couldn't be.

"W-what date is it today?" I asked scared.

"The 25th." She answered when my eyes widened.


"I-I'm late." I whispered to myself when her eyes widened considerably and she closed the bathroom door shut and locked it, rushing to me.

"Are you sure, dear?" She asked frightened when I nodded numbly.

"I'm late." I repeated a little louder this time, looking back into her eyes in a panic as my hands started to shake.

"No, no, no, this can't happen now!" I grabbed my hair, feeling overly emotional all of a sudden when I racked my brain if I had missed my pills any day because Nico and I weren't exactly using protection and he had fucked me more times I could even think of.

Dread settled into the pit of my stomach as I let the tears cascade down my face when Gabriella grabbed my hands in hers.

"If it's true, then that's not a good thing, but we have to be sure." She said and I nodded numbly when she went out the bathroom.

I just stood there numb before she came back in discreetly and handed me a brown paper bag.

"What's this?" I looked inside the paper bag when she touched my arm.

"Tests. Take them all so we're sure." She said and left me alone in the bathroom, my thoughts running wild.

I took all the three tests one by one and set the on the counter, sitting on the closed toilet seat as I awaited the results in anticipation.

Tapping my foot furiously on the floor, I mentally counted down the minutes as I thought about what would happen if it was true.

Was I ready for this? Would Nico be ready for this?

We had discussed our future quite a few times, and even children, and I smiled faintly at the memory of when we both sat on his room's balcony at night a few weeks ago, me in his lap as we looked up at the stars in the sky.

"How many kids do you want?" Nico asked me out of the blue when I frowned, thinking about it.

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it." I confessed as I tilted my head up a bit to look into his love filled eyes.

"Do you want kids someday?" I asked him when he smiled softly and hummed.

"I want everything with you." He whispered, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

I responded immediately, our lips moving in sync before we pulled away, resting our foreheads against each other's before looking back up at the clear sky.

"How many kids do you want?" I asked and felt him smile.

"A lot." He answered when I smiled and looked back at him, an expression of love and admiration swirling in his eyes.

"Any specific number?" I asked when he chuckled and shrugged.

"I just want you bound to me in every way possible, my love, and I want lots of kids with you and start a big family, but all with you." He said softly, my cheeks heating up when he chuckled.

"I don't mind little Nico's running around." I said shrugging when his smile grew wider.

"I'd love to see a few of you too." He said and I giggled, snuggling deeper into his chest.

"Do you prefer girls or boys?" He asked when I shrugged.

"I want both." He said a bit childishly when I chuckled at him.

"Me too. I want everything with you." I whispered, pecking his lips before he pulled me closer.

I snapped out of my daze, realizing it was time to check the tests when I felt a tear trickling down my cheek.

I didn't even realise I had started chest constricting when I realized this was an important moment in my life.

One I wanted to share with Nico. I wanted to check the result with him, letting his kiss me in joy if it was positive or hug me tightly against his chest if it was a negative.

Wiping my tears, I reached out for the first test with a shaky hand, my lower lip trembling as I turned it over to check the result, my heart dropping to my stomach the longer I stared at it.

Panicked, I fumbled for the other two, more tears spilling down my cheeks as I put a hand on my flat stomach, feeling my chest constrict painfully as a loud sob broke out of me.

"I-I need you Nico." I sobbed, dropping to the floor when the bathroom door opened and Gabriella rushed to me worried.

"What is it dear? What happened?" She asked a little scared when I gulped, swallowing the emotion as a sad smile made its way to my face.

"I'm pregnant."