I Do?

Playlist for this Chapter: Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift, Labyrinth by Taylor Swift

* * *

"We don't have them?" I asked Richard once again, my voice cracking slightly at the end when he frowned.

"No, Mrs. King, I'm afraid we do-"

"But why not? I wanted strawberries..." I pouted, my eyes stinging with unshed tears when the butler's eyes widened.

"Baby?" I heard Nico's voice call out to me ad turned around immediately, watching him stride over to me quickly, dressed immaculately in a grey suit as he cupped my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked before looking back at Richard with a cold look.

"Why the fuck is she crying?" Nico seethed.

"It's okay Nico, I just-... I really wanted strawberries but we don't have them anymore." I whimpered, letting the tears fall as he kissed them away.

"It's okay baby, we'll get you strawberries." He said before throwing poor Richard a sharp look that made him nod in understanding before he left.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked pecking my lips when I shook my head.

"I'm fine." I sniffled, wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my face in his chest which made him sigh.

"I love you." I whispered when I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"I love you too baby." He spoke softly, rubbing my back soothingly and making me smile.

Yup, definitely my man.

God, I need those strawberries.

* * *

"Shit, I think I'm gonna throw up." I put a hand on my stomach, scrunching my face up.

"You're just nervous." Abigail adjusted my shoes when I gave her an unimpressed look.

"I'm pregnant, Abby, there's a difference." I said when she chuckled.

"I know, and I'm super excited. I'm gonna be an aunt!" She exclaimed when Ava turned to look at us.

"So am I!" She cheered when I sighed, leaning back on the chair and closing my eyes.

"Don't!" Abigail, Adriana and Ava rushed at me and I immediately sat up straighter and scowled.

"You're gonna ruin your hair." Adriana explained and I rolled my eyes.

"Can I put the dress on now?" I huffed when they all nodded and smiled at me.


Getting up, I headed towards the changing area in the room, releasing a shaky breath at the sight of the fancy white dress.

Today's the day.

"Need any help in there?" Ava called from outside as I struggled to get into the dress.

"Nope! I'm okay!" I yelled back and heard her 'okay' as I finally managed to put it on without dying or suffocating myself, peeking through the door.

"Uh... Can someone zip me up?" I asked and Abby came in immediately, and gasped.

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" She gushed, zipping me up and helping me out where my mom was also waiting. All the women gasped in shock when they saw me, tears streaming down my mother's face.

"You're ruining your make up, mom." I said softly, my voice cracking as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"You look so beautiful, sweetheart." She kissed my cheeks, wiping my tears away when there was a knock on the door.

"The best man is here for the first look!" I heard Jake's excited voice from outside and laughed as the girls let him and the boys in, along with dad.

"Beautiful." Jake exclaimed as my dad pulled me into a warm hug, kissing my forehead as he wiped at his eyes.

"I have never seen a more beautiful bride. Except your mother, of course." He said when we both chuckled and mom rolled her eyes at him playfully but smiled nonetheless.

"Group hug!" Matteo cheered and I laughed as he, Jake, Stuart, Dan and Cole all squished me in a big group hug while everyone laughed at them.

"Get off her you big hippos, you're ruining her dress!" Abby and Adriana pulled at the guys, pulling them away from me as I looked at Jake questioningly.

"He looks like he's going to piss his pants any moment now. Which is weird considering you're already mar-" I put a hand over his mouth, narrowing my eyes at him when his own widened.

We hadn't exactly told my family, except Abby and Cole that Nico and I had already gotten married.

And now, we had decided to host our wedding here, in Italy, two weeks after Nico had woken up because apparently, he wanted to tell the world I was his, officially as well.

So here I am, feeling queasy either because of the nervousness, or because I'm simply pregnant, but god knows which one it is.

I think both.

"-yes, we're leaving now." I heard Jake talk to someone on the phone before he hung up and looked at us with a smile.

"It's time to go, everyone ready?" He asks looking around and we all nod before Ava handed me a bouquet of red roses, the classic.

"Alright, let's get married." I took a deep breath when Jake smiled mischievously at me.

"Come se già non lo fossi." (As if you already aren't) He said when I glared at him playfully.

"Stai zitto, Jake." (Shut up, Jake) I mumbled, hearing him chuckle as we were led out of the house and outside where the girls helped me in getting inside the car.

Jake was riding in the car with me for my protection, apparently, and a few moments later, we had set off for the church where their family weddings took place.

We reached the venue in about half an hour, and everyone got out while I waited with nervousness clawing up my throat at the worst things that could happen today.

What if I throw up on the aisle?

Or on a guest? Or the priest?

Shit, what if I throw up on Nico?

What if-

"You're not going to throw up on anyone, calm down." Jake's voice reached my ears and I looked at him holding the door open for me.

"How did you...?" I trailed off when he grinned.

"You look like you're about to throw up. Oh shit, what if you threw up on Ace? That would be so fucking awesome." He said laughing when I deflated even further.

"Not helping, Jake." I gritted out and saw his sheepish smile.

"Whoops, sorry." He chuckled nervously before offering me his hand, which I took as he helped me out of the car and led me to the front gates of the familiar church.

"Dove." My father came to stand next to me, holding his arm out which I took and saw his reassuring smile.

"We can still make a run for it, if you want." He whispered in my ear when I giggled and shook my head.

"I think I'm good. I want this." I said determined when dad looked at me with a proud smile.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart, you know that? My brave and courageous girl." He said smiling as my own eyes glossed over.

"Dad, I'm already feeling really emotional today and this isn't exactly helping." I said chuckling nervously when he nodded.

"I know." He said before the church's doors opened and the bridesmaids and groomsmen starting walking in, soft music playing in the background.

"I got you." My dad whispered as we took a step, then another, and then anther before we were halfway down the aisle, my hand holding a death grip on my father's arm.

Finally forcing my eyes up, my breath hitched when I saw the face of the man I loved, the man who was willing to give his life for me, the man who would be the father of my children, and the man who I would call my husband.

If he wasn't already.

And as I looked into his dark eyes, I saw the love and admiration in there, like it always was whenever he looked at me, with so much adoration and longing, as if I was a work of art he could stare at forever.

And I can easily say that I'd die happily looking into those eyes.

I didn't know when we reached the altar, when my father kissed my forehead and gave my hand to the one I loved, or when the priest said his part, or even when we said our vows, or our 'I do's'.

All I remember is looking into those midnight blue eyes hat seemed to glint with so many emotions I couldn't possibly count them even if I tried.

The way he smiled at me at that moment was forever burnt into my memory as he slid the ring on my finger, the same one I had dropped that day, and then I did the same, saying what I'd told him before.

"I love you. Your eyes hold everything my soul thirsts for. And my heart, it beats, it breaks, it loves, it aches, for you. Only you." I whispered and saw his breath taking smile.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said, and Nico didn't need any invitation because he had captured my lips before the priest could even finish his sentence, taking my breath away and sealing the deal.

"You and me, Dove, forever and always." He whispered against my lips as a smile took over while he brushed my tears away.

"You and me, Nicholas, forever and always." I whispered back as he pecked my lips once again before pulling me up into his arms, carrying me down the aisle bridal style while everyone cheered and whistled for us.

The reception was back at Nico's estate, and to say it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was perfect.

It was actually more than perfect, as we had our first dance as the newly wedded couple, and even when Nico kissed me senseless in front of everyone, or when we cut the cake and Nico had a good time licking the cream off my lips.

"Mrs. King." He teased, brushing his lips on the shell of my ear as I held back the shiver that went down my spine.

"Mr. King." I teased back, swaying to the soft melody of the music, putting my head on his chest and hearing his heartbeat.

"Ace, it's time." Jake came to us, giving me a small smile when I looked at the both of them confused.

"Time for what?" I asked when Nico smirked at me mischievously.

"Time for our honeymoon, of course." He told me as I looked at him with a red face, hearing his chuckle at teasing me.

"But don't you have work to take care of? And what abou-" I was effectively cut off by Nico who pressed his lips to mine, making me shut up immediately as he pulled away with a smug smirk.

"Well, that was effective. Anyway, you two lovebirds need not worry, your empire is safe in my hands, your highnesses." Jake bowed to us dramatically, making me giggle as Nico rolled his eyes at me.

"All the single ladies, on the dancefloor, it's time to toss the bouquet!" Adriana announced in the mic.

I laughed as Abby pulled me to the middle, leaving a pouting Nico behind who looked like a Kid who's candy just got stolen.

"Alright ladies, on three! One, two, THREE!" I yelled, tossing the rose bouquet backwards when I heard everyone cheer.

Turning around, I spluttered out laughing when I saw Jake holding the bouquet with a scared expression on his face as Nico clapped his shoulder.

"Looks like you're next, buddy. Get ready for hell." Stuart chuckled while Jake looked utterly lost as he looked at me confused, making me laugh even more at his lost expression.

"Come on, Dove, you should get changed before you leave, to be more comfortable." Adriana pulled me out of the crowd and back towards Nico who kissed me deeply before picking me up in his arms.

"God, look at him, So whipped." Matteo said with a smug face as Nico flipped him off before carrying me back inside the house, placing small kisses all over my face and leaving me a giggling mess.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you looked today? So breath taking? Like a goddess?" He whispered in my ear as he carried me up to our room when I smiled, grabbing his face in my hands and placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

"You did, multiple times, actually, but I don't mind. And you look really handsome too. Very hot." I said cheekily when he chuckled, pecking my nose.

"You told me that too, multiple times, actually, but I don't mind." He mocked me with a grin as he dropped me onto the bed, climbing over me and kissing me passionately, our tongues colliding together in a frenzy as he pulled at my dress but I pushed him away.

"Baby, you haven't let me touch you for two fucking weeks, let me have you, please." Nico said strained.

"I thought we had a flight to catch?" I asked when he groaned, running his hands over his face as he climbed off from me.

"Fuck. Fine, hurry up, change, I'm waiting for you here." He said dismissively and I nodded before realizing something.

"Uh... Can you get my zipper?" I asked and saw him nod with a small smile as he took his place behind me, gently pulling my zip down and letting the dress pool at my feet.

I heard him mutter a string of curses as his eyes raked over my body, clad in lacy lingerie when he grunted.

"Go. Before we don't leave at all." He said with a clenched jaw, turning his face away and fisting his hands.

I chuckled and went over to the walk in closet and pulled on the silky short dress that was hanging on the chair.

"What about our things, Nico?" I called from inside.

"Already packed." He answered and I thought Adriana and Abby must have packed my suitcases before slipping on my shoes and letting my hair free from the elegant bun, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"Beautiful." I heard Nico say from the door as his eyes raked over my body and he smiled.

"Ready, my love?" He asked and I nodded.

"As I'll ever be." I said, putting my hand in his as we went back out, saying goodbye to our friends and family before settling in the car which drove us to the airport.

"Thank you." I heard Nico say as I snuggled up to him in the car in his lap and smiled up at him a bit confused.

"For what?"

"For being with me." He answered, kissing my lips softly when I sighed,

"I should be thanking you. I love you." I said, kissing him back as his arms tightened around me.

"Mmhm, damn right you do."

Damn right I do.