Stacey's Idea

"Cloud seeding?" Roland looked at Stacey, waiting for her to explain further. 

"Yes, it is a technique used by professionals to change weather conditions in certain areas by introducing or dispersing substances that could serve as cloud condensation…" 

"So, if we use the same technique and just let a plane disperse your mixture into the island, won't it resolve the problem? I think this would also reduce the time and reduce the risk taken." 

Roland thought for a moment and nodded his head, finding her idea very possible. 

Nothing less from a bonafide rich person, only people like her could think of making a plane as a water sprinkler. 

Normal plebs would only look at planes as if they were sacred birds that they could only hope to ride. 

Although Roland was quite rich now, his way of thinking was still not as 'wasteful' as the truly rich one.