The basics

Lexus landed on his feet and slipped on the sand for a short while. He looked astonished that he had lost the exchange when it came to brute strength. As if that wasn't enough, he frowned when he saw that Aion didn't move from his spot and just assumed that neutral stance again…

Aion's eyes were as calm as they could be. There was no hesitation, anger, fear, or any other emotion on them. There was only focus and the will to attack when necessary. Lexus had an idea of what Aion did, but he couldn't wait and think about it while Inner Strength was active. Moreover, he had to try his hardest to test the strength of his son.

Lexus charged again and then thrust his sword at Aion's torso, but another simple downward strike stopped his attack… What was surprising was that Aion only began to move when he was within his range… Lexus saw that clearly. With his focus, he could react only to real attacks, not feints.