
One of the guards guided Aion to the tent where those three were. He felt the eyes of some people, but most of the guys who were around were too tired or depressed to care about a new visitor.

The tent where those three were quite big, it was supposed to fit several captains of many groups, but only those three were there and in total silence. They couldn't think of a solution to the problem that was the loss of that city, and they could only wait for reinforcements. Regardless, the first one to notice Aion's arrival was Jagger, and he didn't hide his displeasure. Since things were like that, Aion won't mind treating him like some piece of shit as well.

"My lord, the lord Aion Kresnik has come to help," the guard said.

"... He isn't a lord, and he is managing that land in the place of his father," Richard said.

"Neither are you since you lost the core of your territory," Aion said.

"What did you say?" Richard asked, visibly pissed.