
"I am returning to my territory since the job here is done. I hope you guys can hold this fort for at last for a few days," Aion said.

Jagger clicked his tongue after hearing that. He couldn't say much since he was there when the city was lost once. Vanessa could only force a smile… Richard and Aion decided to ignore each other for the time being since they were like water and oil. In the end, he couldn't leave without some remarks to keep them on their toes.

After that, Aion went to talk with his sisters, they would stay there for as long as Vanessa did, and since the city needed to be rebuilt in some parts, mages were needed. Besides, there was a slim chance that the enemies might try to return and attack, but it was hard since they lost the three people that were essentially the core of their forces.

"You were amazing out there, Aion," Elvera said. "Thank you for coming to help us."