
If that were true, then it would make enough sense for them to become rulers just by existing to most people… Still, that doesn't make sense considering that her mother's former subjects captured her. A lot of things started to make even less sense now that he knew several new things that was really troubling.

"And?" Aion asked.

"Aren't you wondering if you have the blood of the goddess in your veins?" Lexus asked. "Those who know about that think that you are so strong because of that. Even if you aren't a pure-blooded descendant."

"I don't care about that," Aion replied.

"I suppose that is just like you… Regardless, it is said among some legends of the Mirelis kingdom that the goddess showed up many times in their history to help the kingdom when it was about to be destroyed. So… they want to bring the goddess back again by using your mother."

"Those pieces of shit… they want to sacrifice her!?" Aion asked.