Information broker

Aion was forced to ignore those places as well and hoped that he would soon find some city or town in which he could find the information that he needed. Unfortunately, the chances of that were low due to the danger of wars in the past…

After crossing the land from above, Aion noticed that despite the lands being proper for cultivation, few people were working around, and those who had didn't have many tools to work with. That sector in that country sure was underdeveloped…

Fortunately, Aion found a town the same size as his pretty soon. He also found some caravans coming and going through the gates of the place. He had a dark cloak, so he could hide his appearance, but he still might be stopped by the two guards of the gates.

"It is midafternoon… I should wait until night and enter the town using magic," Aion thought while looking around for a grove to hide.