Silver Portal

While Aion didn't have time to waste since his mother was nearby, he didn't have many options either. While almost out of mana, Aion raised his shield and then blocked all of the attacks. The surprise attack got him, but while knowing that they were coming, Aion could prepare for each impact and wait for the enemy to run out of mana…

At first, Aion thought that it was the best plan of action considering his own lack of mana, but after five minutes of seeing the enemy spamming that attack every second, Aion realized that it wouldn't work. What helped him confirm that was his left arm that was hurting like hell…

"If I land, his attacks will hit me faster. If I keep flying, I will eventually run out of mana…" Aion thought. "Fucking hell…"

In which case, soon Devotion was going to be canceled for lack of mana or due to the reason that Aion's health was reaching dangerous levels… in the end, he decided to take the least troublesome end.