A man and a book

The group expected to see many things inside the temple… but not a staircase that went down for hundreds of meters. For some odd reason, they couldn't even see the light at the bottom… one could even think that things were built like that to make them waste time.

"The heck is this shit?" Aion asked.

"This is a place built by your ancestors… you should at least watch your language," Sauros said.

"As if we have time to think about this… can you imagine the pain it will be to go up?" Aion asked. "The diversion is running away now, so the enemies will have the chance to surround us."

"Putting that aside… how is your hand?" Sauros asked. "You broke it, and several fingers started to bleed. That was why you opened the barrier so fast."

"This is nothing," Aion said.