Within the darkness

"Well then, I am going," Aion said after sunset. "If I don't return in a few hours, don't get worried. It just means that I decided to take on all the enemies on my own."

"We should be ten kilometers away from the location that guy mentioned, and such distance must be too big even for you. Maybe we should get closer," Seris said. "We can't stay invisible, after all."

"We shouldn't risk it. If you get too close, the ship will have a hard time maneuvering if the enemies approach. Even you all will have a hard time finding them in this darkness," Aion said. "Just wait here patiently."

"All right… don't get careless, and don't rush it. Return if something unexpected happens." Sauros said. "Good luck."

Aion nodded, and then he jumped into the ocean. The water was pretty cold, but his body stayed warm since he was swimming. He soon activated Furtivity, and he disappeared from everyone's sight.