
Since Aion could check with his system, he realized that the rate of conversion from mana to stamina was a bit off… one point of mana was used to recover one point of stamina. That was obviously wrong… mana is more important than stamina, after all.

After some practice to make his mana work better, the rate doubled. Still, Aion wasn't satisfied… but making progress from that point onward was difficult.

"Now I just have one problem left…" Aion thought. "Let's hope that this one won't bother me for long."

Aion had given up on perfecting Force Release before the fight against the guardian. He could use the version that could wound him, and that was probably going to be fine for as long as he didn't get hit in the head and became unable to heal himself.

"Maybe I should use some coins to increase my resistance… the monster certainly will use ice magic, so I should try to become able to endure some of its magic and effects," Aion thought.