
Aion wondered again why he was thinking about marriage like that, just to ease the worries of his mother, but in the end, it wasn't that crazy. The concept of love before marriage was something fairly recent in human history. People back in the day used to marry to make their families stronger and richer, after all.

In any case, Aion had to work for a while to store all the books. He wondered how Arlana got so many materials to write them, but maybe she found it in some warehouse and brought it back.

When he turned around, Aion saw Arlana still standing while wondering about what to do. That was a bit irritating, but he couldn't blame her… in her situation, he would gladly leave that hellhole… even if it was the only world that she knew of.

"I can't go…" Arlana said.

"I see… well, until next time, then," Aion shrugged.

"I don't have any real clothes, so I can't go…" Arlana added.