It is time

"Arlana, did anyone begin to build a city or any form of civilization in the area in the future?" Aion asked.

"No, the cold will only get worse in the future, after all," Arlana replied. "I guess the appearance of this dungeon in the future is also weird."

The final part of the dungeon is quite large… It looked like some sort of temple. While looking around and thinking about all that, Aion saw some fragments on the ground of a blue sphere. It looked like a mana orb, but mana orbs could only be touched by those that created them.

"I guess this was the dungeon core…" Seris said while looking around and finding nothing. "There are no signs of activities here… I guess the dungeon core was exposed to the explosion while being controlled remotely by some sort of spell."

Aion used the relics and then confirmed that there was nothing else for them to do in that timeline. That was good and all, but it was annoying that the enemy wasn't in their grasp…