Dark cold room

As the ferocious battle between the group and Tenebres intensified, the onslaught of attacks from both sides took its toll on the brave warriors. The powerful strikes and dark magic unleashed by Tenebres inflicted wounds upon the group, causing them to stagger and falter.

However, in the face of adversity, Cailena swiftly sprang into action. Drawing upon her deep well of healing magic, she focused her energy on creating a restorative field within the immediate area. A soft glow enveloped her hands as she channeled her healing power, and waves of soothing energy radiated outward.

Within the healing aura, the wounds of the group began to mend. Cailena's magic worked swiftly, closing gashes and knitting broken bones. The pain of the injuries subsided, replaced by a sense of warmth and rejuvenation. The healing energy permeated their bodies, revitalizing their spirits and fortifying their resolve.