Lesson learned

"I guess I should study the other classes that I mastered as well; the only problem is that I can't guess with one hundred percent accuracy the skills of the classes that I hadn't mastered yet," Aion thought. "Still, there is a way to deal with that."

"Aion, we cleaned things up here; we can look for Philip now," Henri said while pointing to a pile of bodies of Onis.

"I can keep analyzing the classes as we go… all right, lead the way," Aion said.

Henri didn't understand those words, but he could tell that his brother was busy doing something important. He could feel that something inside him changed and made him stronger… he had no idea what it was.

As for Aion, he felt the same way. He also felt a bit troubled… he still felt his body a bit sluggish, and he felt like his spirit was chained by something. That was the feeling that he felt when he woke up, and apparently, it wasn't planning to let him go.