Spatial Shifting

Aion felt an intense and unsettling shiver run down his spine after hearing what the enemy had said. It sent a cold chill through his body, causing him to tremble involuntarily. The weight of their words sank deep into his being, filling him with a sense of unease and apprehension.

Aion's breath caught in his throat, and a feeling of discomfort settled in the pit of his stomach. The shiver seemed to linger, a constant reminder of the impending danger and the magnitude of the challenge he faced. It was as if a dark cloud loomed overhead, casting a shadow on his every thought.

"... What did you do to them?" Aion asked after he approached the enemy while his chest was still gushing blood. "Answer that, I will make it quick for you. Don't do that and you will regret it deeply."

"I don't want to spoil the surprise, so you will have to wait and see," The speedster said while his face was turning white due to the lack of blood.