Time Dilation

Vangel swung his sword slowly, but even so… The sword sliced through the air, cutting into Aion's left arm with a sickening sound. The pain was immediate and excruciating, shooting through his body like a lightning bolt. Aion's arm hung limply at his side, blood gushing from the deep gash.

But Aion wasn't one to give up easily. With a surge of determination, he quickly retrieved his severed arm and held it firmly against his wounded shoulder. He focused his energy, channeling his mana into the injured limb.

The healing process began, a faint blue glow enveloping the torn flesh. Aion's brow furrowed in concentration as he willed his body to mend itself. Tendons, muscles, and bones started to knit back together, piece by piece.

The pain gradually subsided, replaced by a dull throbbing. Aion flexed his fingers, testing the movement of his reattached arm. It responded, albeit weakly, but it was a sign of progress.