Count Elirion

Arabella learned that Gulliver's overconfidence was because he thought he had already succeeded to evade his crimes by silencing those who could testify against him.

She gripped at the hems of her dress when she learned from Ferdinand's thoughts that Gulliver had assigned someone to assassinate Odette after the selection of assistants.

Gulliver underestimated Odette and assumed she would not be hired as one of Arabella's assistants.

And he had instructed his men to kill Odette while she was on her way back to Prudencia and make it seem like an accident or a bandit attack.

His men reported that Odette failed since she wandered around Riva looking for work but she was not accepted in any so she was likely to go home soon and they were waiting for the right timing.

But Gulliver's men were caught by one of Ferdinand's people from Estrella when they kept tailing Odette.