A Visit to the Count

Resolving the problems in Safiro took several days longer than in Prudencia. It was so much faster than Arabella formerly thought though.

Still, her preparation time for the division of work between her assistants was lessened due to it so she was behind her schedule. She would have to work at night as well to sort out the work for her assistants.

However, it was all worth it since both Prudencia and Safiro were finally out of dire straits. As long as they were managed properly, the two territories would recover over time.

Arabella had been busy in Safiro the whole week but she still had a lot to do.

The day after the execution in Arno, Arabella visited Cordelia with Ferdinand to thank the Count for taking in people from Safiro and for helping out with cooked meals.

It was also a chance to tour around the Countdom since Arabella didn't get to look around the last time she visited with Raymond.