Focus On Your Meal

Arabella received lots of attention from Ferdinand that night. He said he was too happy and wanted to share it with her so he teased her a lot. She kept touching him as well, not wanting to be just on the receiving end.

After doing all sorts of naughty stuff together, Arabella told Ferdinand they could go all the way tonight.

She had resolved it was fine now. She didn't want Ferdinand to keep feeling frustrated because they haven't gone all the way so she changed her plan. He might feel more at ease once they had gone all the way.

She would probably be fine if she just rested the next day and only do it again once her body had recovered. She already came several times, so her body had probably relaxed enough.

However, it was her husband himself who refused. Well, he did try to do it first.

Ferdinand had hovered on top of her when she said it and asked her if she was serious. His eyes changed and she could tell he was eager and aching to go all the way.