The “Test” Begins

[Then, I must list the most difficult questions to ask him.] Narcissa noted.


Some paper and pen were brought to Narcissa, and she was sent to another room so she could focus. She didn't have time for tea as she focused on listing things, she believed Ivan would not know.


Arabella heard Narcissa's thoughts as she thought of what to ask Ivan. 


Narcissa listed a lot and focused on information she thought was not known by many. On more difficult parts, she chose information that she thought could only be found in Ryvaleh. She wanted Ivan to be unable to answer in front of Arabella.


The Imperial Exam included information about random territories in Valeria, so test-takers also had to learn about other territories aside from their homelands. Thus, Narcissa's questions were acceptable. However, she intentionally chose a lot of information that was difficult to access.