Chapter 708: Viral Plant Disease

"Yes, but it's better to be careful. And maybe, we should begin preparing for it now. What if we end up suffering the same losses from back then? It would be terrible," Arabella countered.

"Right… It was too late when we heard about it. It had already caused too much damage. Still, it was better we heard about it before the diseases spread all over the empire. Me and most of my companions were busy eradicating monsters back then so we could not return immediately to help. The researchers from the Department of Agriculture succeeded in discovering how to manage the disease though so we did not have to interfere." 

Alwin also recollected it since it was something he counted as a failure on his part since he was not able to go immediately. 

If he and the other mages had been there, they could have succeeded in immediately stopping further losses by preventing the disease from further spreading to the neighboring territories.