Chapter 14

"How dare you!" Ryan held his face as he got up. "Do you have any idea who I am? Who my father is?! I'll have you killed, if I kill you myself!" Ryan wiped the blood dripping from his nose and charged at Rey. He was quicker than he was before and was able to put Rey back on the defensive.

Amiel was looking in from the crowd, watching the fight commence. This fight was the longest lasting out of the tournament thus far and he was able to learn a lot about Reys opponent. What Amiel was more interested in though was Rey. This was the first time where he saw Rey in a fight that put his life in danger. He wanted to see how far Rey would push himself. If he would break past the wall that's been stopping him for the past weeks or if he let himself be held back. Amiel knew what was holding Rey back but never told him as it wouldn't help. Rey had a mental block that wouldn't allow him to progress any further and now was the deciding moment.

Both Rey and Ryan were trading blows with eachother. Reys already bloody and bruised face swelled up to the point he could barely see. Ryans face was a little better off. He had a broken nose, his left eye was swollen shut and his lip was busted open. The amount of blood coming from Ryan was almost as much as Rey. "Your face is swollen to the point where you can no longer see! This fight is over." Ryan yelled as he threw a kick at Rey. Rey blocked the kick and swept the back of Ryans free leg, sending him to the ground. "I don't need eyes to see!"

Rey was using his vision technique to his full capability. Although Ryans energy was inconsistent, Rey was able to read it at the last moment before the strike. Rey was able to discern where Ryan was by reading his energy as well. Rey sent a kick at Ryan and pushed him across the arena. "You have no advantage Ryan. You've never had an advantage over me. You've always been weaker than me!" Rey yelled across arena. This angered Ryan and forced him to use his skill. "Temporal Judgement!" Ryan said to himself.

"I'm sick of hearing those've always been weaker than'll never be as strong as me! Those words are like a poison the robs the mind of all rationality. When the brain loses its rationality, it stops holding back. It fires at 100% without regard to its body. Good thing is...I've mastered the ability to control that ability!" Ryans movements were almost instantaneous. One moment he was on the ground, the next he was behind Rey. "That's my skill..." he whispered in Reys ear.

Rey swung his arm behind him but only hit air. "I've never had an advantage over you? Big words for someone who's only advantage is his sight.!" Ryan was toying with Rey. Getting close and pushed Rey and retreating before Rey could retaliate. "I have power! I have speed! I HAVE THE ADVANTAGE!" Ryan shouted as he got close and kicked Reys leg. Rey fell to the ground as his leg had just been broken. He let out a loud scream of pain. "I was going to save this technique till I fought my brother but you're stronger than I anticipated. This is the end!" Ryan launched a punch at Rey with his full strength which ended the battle. Rey had won...

To counter Ryans punch Rey put all of his energy into one last punch of his own. The two fists collided and the stronger punch one. Rey broke Ryans arm at the initial contact and with the follow through he sent Ryan out of the Arena. Afterwards Rey laid unconscious on the ground. The crowd was silent as they were to shocked to understand what just happened. Both competitors had lost but in different ways. Ryan was still conscious and was screaming in pain from his broken arm. The crowd turned to the announcer as he made a decision.

"Judging by what has happened, both contestants have lost in their own way. Ryan by being pushed out of the Arena and Rey by being knocked unconscious. With Ryan still being conscious he would win by default!" The crowd cheered but the man wasn't done speaking. " be knocked out of the Arena, Rey would've had to have been conscious as he delivered the blow. Meaning that Ryan left the Arena before Rey lost. Therefore Rey is the winner of this battle!" The crowd was silent. They knew to respect the announcers decision but for a random nobody to defeat the city lords son was bad news. That boy could be in danger for ruining the lords name. "The Final round will commence tomorrow when Rey has regained his strength!"

Amiel quickly ran and picked up Rey, taking him out of the Arena. While everyone had accepted the fact that Rey won, Ryan had not. "This is bullshit!" He yelled. "I'm the rightful winner of this battle. I am stronger than him! I must fight my brother. I will not live in his shadow ANYMORE!" Ryan shouted as he charged at Amiel who was holding Rey. The crowd watched in anticipation. They couldn't do anything out of fear of angering the city lord. Ryan was stopped dead in his tracks as he was looking up at Amiel. He only felt that intimidated by one other person and it was his father.

"Who are you?" Ryan asked. "Someone who knows how it feels to be outshined by one's own brother. Take it from me, taking your frustration out on those who are innocent does you no good. Focus on becoming stronger yourself, and someday you can take your brother on and win." Amiel was soft when he spoke to Ryan. "Leave or I'll hurt you!" Amiel said angrily. Ryan backed away and ran towards his home in the center of town.

Andrea, Reys mother, came and looked at Rey worriedly. "Is he going to be ok? Tell me he isn't going to die! For God's sake help him!" She told Amiel without letting him get a word in. He placed his hand in her shoulder and calmed her down. "He's going to be alright, he used up a lot if his energy so he's exhausted. And as I'm sure you know, cultivators heal faster than normal people. By tomorrow afternoon he should be all better." He told her. She nodded and let Amiel walk past her as she swiftly followed. Amiel followed Andreas instructions on the route back to her house and thanked him as he set Rey down on his bed. "Thank you Amiel." She said. "You're welcome Andrea."