Dave's Pov
“ Did you had a good night sleep?“ her voice sprint in my ears, catching a glimpse of my gaze on her fallen curls ,that were braced in red ribbon, down to her earth warmly smile she sent my way.
Baffled as I stood, I watched her forward her steps to the dinner and set the table to her order of arrangement.
“You must be hungry” she said in more confident to her claims. Stoning my head for rejection , I tightened my face for the opposite direction only to be drawn by the lovely aroma of tomato source mixed with earth dried leaves. The same familiar smell to mother's source.
Disobedient as my leg were, I pulled a sly turn to her lips that still held those smile.
“Um” my throat choked up on words, more like embarrassed to what to say. Just a second I'd rejected her offer and to turn back on my words, felt so ego hurting .