Hurtful Truth

Alice's Pov

“How long was it going to take before you tell me about the two of you?“ I asked gently scrubbing my fingers on the bottle in my hand.

“Alice, I can explain” he said trying to take out the gap between us. His eyes were dull ,fall and coward from grace with each step he took.

My body felt warmth and cold to his touch on my arms, sending in more hurt to the fact of Peter's words being true. When he whispered the words of my husband and sister's past relationship I'd hope for it to be false , but there my legs were slopping out of balance while my heart raced in my chest.

I shoved his hands off with hard glares at him, how could he?.

All those while I'd thought it was a different woman in his heart but it turned out to be my sister, my sister?, how the hell was I to compete against my elder sister for his love? and mostly why didn't he come open to me, why did I have to hear the truth from another?.