The New Chairman

Have you ever felt lost and broken at the same time?. A moment where you feel death is even more acceptable than living?, a time where your heart feels nothing but emptiness of deep regrets for your stupid actions ,and at the same time in pain for everything you valued was a lie?.

Blurry as the memories crept, my hand was on the seventh glass of the night as my thoughts went wild on everything .

Lies, Lies, Lies. Everything has being a lie

“Bastard” the eyes of the young man behind the counter caught hold of me as my body leaned for support, the stench of alcohol was all over my breath.

“Mis, it best you call a friend or relative to come pick you up” his irritant concern voice went bugging for minutes, with little choice I handed him my phone . In full gaze I smiled my way as his efforts to reach out to contacts in my list was in vain. Most were out of reach and half busy.