
The beeping in the room was steady and caused Varya to feel tired as she listened to it.

For a while, she tried to lay on her side and get some sleep in the hospital bed as Ebari held her hand, but as the contractions came closer together, she eventually had to stand up.

The IV stand rolled along with her as she walked around her room. Occasionally she would have to stop and crouch down as her body felt like it was being squeezed like a tube of toothpaste. They would only last for a few minutes before she was up and moving again.

Each time, the expression she had on her face caused Ebari to wonder how she was willing to walk around.

Each time he saw the expression, Ebari ran up to her and nervously asked if she needed him to get her doctor and each time she said no. Despite having never done it before, she didn't feel urgent and wanted to remain relaxed. She felt that the fewer people were bothering her the better she was doing.