No More Fear

All throughout dinner, Ebari kept stealing glances at Varya, nervous for what she had to talk to him about. However, each time he glanced at her, nothing seemed to be weighing her down.

The older Basil got, the more fun he became in Varya's eyes. As they ate their dinner, she would give him more food to try and he would giggle and play with whatever was on the tray of his highchair.

"Don't play with your food," she said in a gentle voice and held a spoon to his mouth so he could take a bite.

Watching her son grow up was hard especially when it felt like she had only just given birth to him. Soon he was going to be able to stand up and the thought scared her to death. It felt like she was going to blink and her son was going to be all grown up.

Each hour of her day was filled with something she had to do and she expected time to seem slow, but everything was happening quickly.

As she glanced around Ebari's quarters, a small smile appeared on her face.