Aura Gun

The aura gun was finished.

It had been finished for weeks, but Varya was paralyzed at the thought of using it for what she intended.

Her son was now an entire-year-old and other things were piling up so much that meeting with the emperor was pushed to the bottom of her list. She had celebrated her son's birthday with Ebari and Solana and she felt a semblance of genuine happiness with the people she spent time with outside of work.

Her work was also bringing her a lot of joy and she made a good enough salary now that it felt like she was overstepping to want more.

Ebari had discussed with her that the money she would have access to if she dethroned Emperor Kruos was a life-changing amount. She would never have to think about money again for as long as she lived.

Varya came from a family who didn't worry about money and she never expected to go back to that point. All she wanted was for her son to be comfortable.

It would only be possible with the defeat of the emperor.