The Last Puzzle Piece

The meeting date was set. The emperor expressed through a message that he was looking forward to seeing how Varya had succeeded in developing an aura gun that would be able to be put into production.

When Varya received the communication, she felt her stomach drop and her mind began racing, begging her to come up with an excuse as to why the emperor hadn't been 'that bad' recently.

However, each night she had to come home to a baby who looked just like Prince Basileus, all the reasons came rushing back to her and her heart raced in anticipation for when the gun was going to be presented.

There was one piece to the puzzle, however, that hadn't been sitting well with her since the moment she came up with the idea to dethrone the emperor.

It felt wrong to keep the man who had accepted her into his lab dark through all of this. He was her biggest supporter in the work that she did and he wanted to be there for the presentation of the aura gun.