Fresh Start

When the day started, Varya had warned Solana in advance that she was going to need her to stay abnormally late and she would pay her much higher than her normal rate because of the inconvenience.

However, she wasn't expecting Solana to need to stay there nearly all night.

Around Basileus Jr's bedtime, Varya had excused herself from the meetings with the attendants and called Solana to say that she may need to stay overnight. Having no idea when the meetings would actually end, there was still something she needed to do afterward.

As soon as she went back into what felt like a lion's pit, there were words back and forth between her and the advisors but it seemed that there were no conclusions to be made that night.

Realizing she had the power to do so, Varya decided that they should continue this the next day when she could find Ebari and ask Dr. Brie to join them.