Accidental Visit

It was down to the last day.

Varya would soon be wed to her best friend and a lot of mixed feelings were at war inside of her as it got closer.

At first, she planned to remain in her quarters for the majority of the day and only meet with people if they asked, but her plans quickly changed when she felt that she couldn't relax.

Solana was off for the day so Varya decided she would spend quality time with her son. She dressed him in a one-piece bodysuit that covered his arms and legs that was dark blue and put small boots onto his feet.

For the first time in Basileus Jr's life, they both freely walked the hallways of the castle; hallways his father had probably run through when he was the same age. Normally she would have been afraid that Emperor Kruos would see her and her son, but she didn't have anything to worry about anymore.