
Basileus sighed and ran a hand through his hair, causing it to fall into his face. 

"Our son knows how to meditate?" he asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Not on his own," Varya admitted. 

Basileus seemed to become withdrawn again so she couldn't help justifying her reasoning.

"There was a time when his emotions were out of control and Galen offered meditation after finding his own success with it. Galen doesn't know anything about being a Basilian so he's been researching." Varya had to look away from the prince's fiery eyes as she continued speaking. "When I could tell Basil was getting angry, I was worried I was going to get burnt again so I could only stand back and let him do whatever he wanted."

She tried to pull her hand away from his but he only held it tighter. 

The prince realized he was being selfish for getting upset that he had missed out on aspects of his son's life.