Couple's Compromise

Basileus woke up before Varya as usual but, that morning, he had to dry off his clothing using his aura since Varya had pulled him into the shower with her the night before.

If anyone else did something like that, it would have tested his patience but since it was Varya he gave her a pass. He had a small smile on his face as he thought of the previous evening.

How he could ever be jealous was beyond him. There was no woman in the universe more loyal than Varya. He was going to make a concentrated effort to let go of any insecurities that forced him to be jealous. She would publicly be his one day - he had to focus on that.

Basileus took a shower in his old quarters and got into a spandex uniform then more casual royal armor. There were men to train early that morning and he wasn't dressing to impress anyone.