Unexpected Fire

Basileus Jr. had been stirring as his mother went throughout the room and worked. 

The toddler was in and out of consciousness as what little bit was left of his aura stirred around inside of him. He finally felt warm and had the urge to sit down but he kept slowly blinking and staring at the ceiling of the unfamiliar place he was in. 

His peacefulness was disturbed as someone came into the room and started yelling at his mom.

"Mama…" he uttered but it was eclipsed by the loud crack of a smack being dealt to the woman most important to him in his life. 

Basil sat up suddenly and jumped off of the bed, though his legs were still unstable underneath him. He fell onto his knees and crawled the rest of the way to Varya. The boy wrapped his arms around her and his face started contorting into a frown as tears sprang in his eyes. 

The unfamiliarity of the situation plus the grey man looming over them terrified the boy.