They Meet an Enchantress

The blonde woman led them through many alleyways when they finally went into a building. It had multiple levels with many doors opening from a corridor. The woman went into one of them, and the bodies of Lilynn and Erwand followed her due to the spell she cursed them with. Whatever that spell was, Lilynn had never seen anything like this possible with only a few words uttered. And whoever that lady was, causing them to move their bodies on command meant she was an expert at magic. She closed the door with a key as soon as they all stepped through the door.

Lilynn could only move her eyes around to observe their surroundings. They were in a spacious room with a table and chairs in the middle and multiple shelves with books along the walls.

Fortunately, it was not a prison. The mysterious lady did not seem like someone who wanted to torture them. If she wanted to, she could have just handed them to the street guards who were looking for them. No, Lilynn could tell that she had her own plans against the two. Maybe she somehow recognized Lilynn as a demoness and will now extract her power with another mighty spell.

But all she did was taking down the cloak from her back. Her hair was blonde and short, and she wore a brown tight suit that covered her whole body from neck to feet, with tall black boots on her legs. She stood in front of Lilynn and Erwand, who were at the other end of the big room.

"I'm gonna release you. Do not scream or anything, alright?"

Lilynn had no idea whether to trust her. She tried to glance at Erwand, who looked surprisingly calm.

The blonde lady said a few words again, and Lilynn could feel getting control over her whole body again. She decided not to call for a dark demon blade (despite the great urge) and let the lady tell them what is going on. Next to her Erwand was not getting for an attack whatsoever. He even put the sword back into his belt scabbard.

He was staring at the lady with a weird expression on his face.

"Nice to see you, Doris" he said.

So he knew the lady.

A sinister smile appeared on Doris' face.

"Erwand Wilran, the self-taught alchemist, who never found his place in the world. You were always as cute as charming."

Were they just... flirting? Lilynn was incredibly confused, but even more confused by the fact that this was the first time she heard Erwand's full name.

"You never told me your full name," she whispered to him.

"Because cool people don't do that," he answered with a smug smile. Doris was watching them as if they were an exotic animal species she just caught.

"It's nice to see that you did not change at all. Still the childish big guy I knew."

"What's going on, who is this woman?" Lilynn asked impatiently.

"We were, um..."

"We were lovers. How old were you, seventeen? Four years can go by really fast. Feels like yesterday," Doris answered instead of the man.

That cleared up a lot of things.

"That was the past," Erwand said. Lilynn could see a slight blush on his face. So the past is not entirely forgotten, she concluded.

"Doris is an enchantress," Erwand explained. "I met her when I was studying alchemy. She was going to be a royal mage, but I guess that didn't happen. What are you doing in this remote town, Doris?"

"I decided to walk my own path. This kingdom is full of corruption, and is not worthy of my powers."

"That is quite a way to waste your magic then," Erwand said.

"I suppose you are still happy that I was around to get you inside here. Out on the streets, there are now guards everywhere. They would have found you in a matter of minutes. You should be thankful, big boy."

After hearing that, Erwand did not say anything back to her. It was Lilynn's turn to clear up what this enchantress wanted exactly.

"We are thankful that you saved us, even if without our consent, but I feel like you want something more from us."

"You are clever. They say a demon appeared in the marketplace and wanted to kill a prosperous lady. Unusual story. Then I saw the two of you running below my window, so I figured I would see that demon myself. They have quite a reputation, you know. I was a bit scared that you would try and slice me into pieces the moment I let you free, but you don't seem as feral as the stories tell me."

She stepped closer to Lilynn.

"So, tell me, are you really a demon?"

Lilynn did not like where this was going. Was Doris really just interested in seeing her? She looked at Erwand with lots of questions on her face, who simply nodded. It was a reassuring nod.

Instead of answering Doris with words, Lilynn let her powers talk instead. She reached for her power, and black markings appeared on her hands and arms. She was gazing at Doris with flashing eyes. She let a dark blade grow out of her right hand.

Doris was stunned but smiled while watching her.

After the showcase, Lilynn let her body go back to its normal state.

"Fascinating, simply fascinating! Imagine all the destruction you are capable of! Imagine throwing off lords or even the king! Oh, what a great opportunity!"

"Hold on. Lilynn is not that skilled yet. She has been possessing this body only for a few days. That being said, we might need your help." Erwand said.

"My help?"

"She is seeking revenge but knows nothing about magic. You could teach her the basics to at least survive hostile magic users. We will need some beginner's books to practice magic. From scratch."

"Oh, what a challenge! I will gladly help any demoness who is ready to punish corrupt lords in this kingdom."

"That is exactly what I want," Lilynn explained. "The Demoness of Vengeance has revenge to fulfil in Trimon."

"Sounds frightening," Doris said and turned to one of the bookshelves. She took a thick volume and put it on the table. "However, I do not think that a demon could do divine magic. As you know, magic itself comes from the power of gods. Using spells only words through the Language of Gods, and so everything is connected to them. I doubt a demon could be capable of using the language of their ancient enemy."

She opened the book at a random page.

"These are the easiest spells. This one makes a small gust of wind in the air. Try it," Doris said while pointing at a line in the book.

Lilynn looked at the spell. She could not understand it, but it was written in letters that she could read. She inhaled and said them out loud:

"Ill aun koern elk."

They were all silent, waiting for the wind. Nothing happened.