Shrine of the Demon

They waited until nighttime to visit the local shrine of Iliat. There were still a few guards on the streets looking for the recent trouble suspects. Fortunately, Doris knew all the narrow, unguarded alleyways that could lead them to a distant point of the town, where the shrine stood.

It was quite similar to fountains that usually stood in town centres, except it was only the size of a carriage. It was made out of clear marble and had a stream of water circling around its foundation. A few small columns held a larger marble disc, on which a miniature house-like statue stood. Below its roof were the offerings coming from the townspeople: a few unlit candles, withered flowers and even metal coins. It did not look like a consistently celebrated shrine, but rather something forgotten.

"Alright, this is where the magic happens" Erwand examined the place. "Not exactly what I expected."

"Most people in this town care less and less about their only beloved gods" Doris explained. "Which means gods might not even care about this place anymore, letting it rot in the middle of nowhere, exposed to demons, even."

Lilynn stepped in front of the shrine. She could sense something entirely otherworldly about it, but it was a weak, fading sensation.

However, the possibility of a connection was there.

"Here goes nothing," she said.

She closed her eyes. She could feel the demonic power taking over her body again. Her body shook gently, and soon she could not feel it at all. When she opened her eyes again, she was floating in an endless void.

'Demoness', she called out into the darkness.

Lilynn could not sense the presence of anyone else. If the mighty Demoness was here, her power could be the only thing sensible.

Maybe Doris was wrong. Maybe the demons have no intention of communicating with anyone in the human world.

Suddenly, a cold whisper filled Lilynn's head.

"Mion ett Jun Eujsil."

Lilynn never heard those words before, but she perfectly knew what they meant.

'The library of the Golden Star,' it said. Lilynn could not identify if it was the voice of her Demoness, or the voice of someone else. It did not have a clear source and instead appeared in her head like a wave of pain.

Lilynn could only sense that it was familiar in a way. It was definitely coming from another demonic being.

She opened her eyes, and once again stood in front of the shrine, with Doris and Erwand on her side. She explained everything she felt and saw.

"The library of the Golden Star" Erwand repeated the heard words. "Any ideas?"

Doris, of course, came up with a thought first.

"The Golden Star is the symbol of Ahon city. The library of Ahon is where you will find the help you seek. I assume it is very, very likely that you are looking for a book!"

How clever, Lilynn thought and rolled her eyes.

"So... We just walk in, and look for a creepy book possessed with demon-magic?" Erwand wondered.

"Something like that, I'm pretty sure."

Lilynn put her index finger to her chin.

"Do you think it is similar to the books from which humans can learn divine magic?"

"There are certain mages who learned the ways of demons and demonic magic, in order to know how to fight them" Doris answered. "But I'm afraid only the highest mages possess this knowledge."

Getting this book was crucial, then. But what if it did not even exist?

Their time was finite. She had to find her way back to Trimon, and look for the right people among thousands, if she wanted her revenge. On the other hand, she had no idea what danger awaited her in a larger city.

It was her battle, and only her own. She did not want to rely on Erwand again, let alone be saved by him in front of dozens of guards. She had to realize she was far from prepared to execute a perfect assassination. What is more, she was nowhere near becoming a frightening Demoness.

Ahon was a city similar to Trimonis, Timon's capital, in terms of size. But would Erwand agree to go there, with all the dangers they could encounter? Since they got the guards' attention, Lilynn thought that the kingdom would soon become their enemy.

Lilynn decided to talk about this with Erwand later. After visiting the shrine, they went back to Doris' library, where she gave them a few resources in sacks.

"We should not stay longer" Erwand insisted. "I hope my cart is still in one piece!"

"I believe this is our goodbye then. I hope our ways will cross each other again, demoness," Doris said to Lilynn. Lilynn did not say the same but thanked her for guidance.

Doris next turned to Erwand and also said a few things with a smiling expression that old friends give to each other.

After the final farewells, they were on their way back to the edge of the town. Erwand was strangely quiet, but Lilynn decided not to ask him anything. She recalled the way he and Doris talked to each other. Perhaps he still had feelings towards Doris. She was certain about it. And somehow, a strange feeling started to grow in her chest upon that thought.

The carriage was still there, in perfect condition. The amplified anti-theft spell seemed to have done an excellent job at what it was meant for.

Erwand's horses were much less grateful after long hours of abandonment, but they got to enjoy a quick meal before another travel.

"Doris gave you this," Erwand turned to Lilynn with the sack full of materials they got from Doris.

He handed her a dark piece of clothing folded into a square. Lilynn examined it quickly, and figured the colors looked almost identical to the black funeral dress Lilynn already wore, had leggings instead of a skirt.

"Oh, yeah. Nice of her to gift me after my successful shopping."

Lilynn put the dress on in the cart. Not until she walked out to the moonlight could she see all the details on it. Ancient runes in a blood red color and thin white stripes along her torso and arms. It probably fit perfectly with her red eyes and black hair. Which was not an advantage in her case.

"Oh, come on now, won't this be a little obvious? This will scream to people who I really am," Lilynn assumed. Erwand put the cloak back on her shoulders.

"This is a mage uniform. Higher-ups always liked to look a bit too edgy among the others. Their prestigious place also let them wear whatever they want. I don't even want to guess where she got this from."

"So, my new fake-identity is that I am an elite enchantress with a weird demon obsession?"

"I like it."

Without any further words, Erwand sit on the front seat and shouted something to the horses. Lilynn sat next to him again, and they were leaving Iliat in the dark.

"So, where are we going after all that?" Lilynn asked.

"To Ahon, of course."