Town of the Lonely Mage 3

Lilynn caught a glimpse of Kinib's dirty light colored robe among the poorer villagers. She followed him without getting too close, just acting like one in the crowd. After almost falling into the muddy road, he stopped by a small bakery opening from the main street.

Lilynn could see loaves of bread and other goods put out on the store's front. A young lady was bringing new bakery products right from the ovens.

As soon as she saw Kinib, she quickly went back into the bakery building.

The old mage was mumbling something that Lilynn could not understand. What was he up to? Who was this girl to him? She did not look any much older than Lilynn. Flour covered her face in patches as well as her apron. She must have been working hard to keep this business up.

She closed the door of the bakery right in front of Kinib's face, who was furious at what the girl did.

He banged the door a few times, then left. Some of the bread products were still outside the store on a shelf.

Kinib simply pushed it and the food fell into the mud.

The people who saw what happened were cursing the drunk mage.

Good. Lilynn was glad to see that they were starting to see who he truly is. However, their aggression was still not enough to make him go away from the village for good.

He still had the privileges of his past actions for saving these people. Unfortunately, some of them still remembered that and had the audacity to defend him.

But Lilynn did not want to play the savior just yet. This guy's punishment was soon to come, but not with the risk of him exposing Lilynn's identity. He wasn't just a clueless Lady Urla but a supposed mage with some legitimate skills.

When the atmosphere settled after Kinib's anger, the baker girl finally came out to pick up the dirty bread.

"Let me help you," Lilynn offered to help pick up the goods.

The girl nodded. She was not at all surprised that a random person from the village would help her. Lilynn only then saw that another man from the streets stopped to put the metal shelf back to its place.

"Can I see your goods, miss?" Lilynn said to the baker girl. She only then saw her black uniform.

"Of course, Enchantress..."

She was rather confused but led Lilynn into the bakery. It was a small interior place with brick ovens along the wall.

"That mage, does he come here often?" Lilynn asked suddenly.


The girl started to knead dough in a large bowl, focusing on the work and ignoring Lilynn.

"Miss, I'm not sure if I should tell you. It is nothing important really."

"But I want to know," Lilynn raised her voice. "Because some men also used to treat me that way. I know what it is like to be harassed by them. I want to help you."

"Miss... you really shouldn't..."

Lilynn was losing patience. She finally had a reason to beat up that crazy man and teach him a lesson! She was so close!

"Tell me!"

The girl stopped the work and looked and Lilynn with teary eyes.

"You are the same as him! Demanding things from me! I have nothing to do with any of you!"

Lilynn stepped back. Oh, what was she thinking?

"Right. I'm sorry about this."

She walked out to the street and headed back to the tavern.

She felt guilty. She forgot how hard it was for girls like her to reach out to strangers. Her approach was not exactly something she would've also liked in that place.

The night was coming and the tavern got even more popular. Lilynn decided not to rest the case. She walked to a random man to ask him if he knew anything in particular about the baker girl.

"Nah, nothing! She is an angel, working hard to make us fresh bread every morning!"

Lilynn asked others as well, but they all said the same thing. The baker girl was just one of the many people here trying to make a living out of a small job. All they knew is that Kinib was always around her to demand something, which they did not know.

The host of the tavern, however, raised his eyebrows upon hearing Lilynn's question.

"Do you know anything?"

The host kept on touching his brown beard anxiously.

"She really would not want anyone to know," he replied.

"I am only here to help. This might even get us closer to the missing goods of the village, and finally would end Kinib's terror here."

That convinced the tavern host. Many people were eager to see that mage leave their home.

He gave Lilynn a full story.

Her name was Luija. When she was younger, she used to work at a brothel in a bigger town. After some unfortunate incidents, she ended up in a more isolated village, here. She clearly wanted a new start. She became a baker and managed to become one of the many workers on the main street. She tried to hide her past now, but Kinib somehow became aware of the secrets. A few of the villagers knew because someone here also came from the big town she worked in. But not all of them. They knew they had nothing to do with her business. But Kinib always threatens to tell the entire village if she doesn't do what he says.

"And what is it he wants?"

Lilynn already knew the answer.

"I assume he wants a few nights from her, against her will. I don't think a scum like him would want anything better."

Lilynn thanked him for the details. It was all so clear now. She found someone who was again very close to the hopeless girl she once was.