(Hogwarts, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland, Europe, Earth, Harry Potter-Verse)
Symbolism aside, whomever thought putting Hufflepuff's in the Dungeon Dorms with Slytherin House needed their head examined.
Though strictly speaking it wasn't a bad thing, but it weren't a good thing neither.
On one side it meant he'd hear all the plots against Gryffindor before anyone else, but it also meant he didn't have far to travel for Potions Class.
Less travel time meant that he had less chance of pissing Snape off due to lateness which meant less detention, though he expected to earn a detention from Snape eventually.
He wouldn't go looking for it, but better to expect and prepare accordingly. Especially since his beef with Bloody Baron was likely to draw in some of the older and younger Slytherin Years, which would eventually draw in Snape.
If a Brawl broke out because of it as his beefs often did cause? Well you can bet your ass that he will begin throwing jabs and hooks, simply because who fucking needs magic to fuck a prissy rich brat up in school? Not any American or New Zealand kid that's for damn sure.
And while he was at it? Why not invite Peeves to join in? If nothing else bringing the Poltergeist in should be entertaining to say the least.
But in all seriousness, he had business that although should not be left to wait, he had no alternative.
See Horcruxes were a problem in MACUSA represented states such as Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, and Massachusetts. So he'd developed a Curse which would shred a soul aspect of an abominable creation such as a Horcrux.
Won him a bit of Fame with the Auror's. Except for the fact that the spell itself took a lot out of the caster unless prior and sufficient preparations had been made and certain precautions had been taken, then one of three things would happen.
The best that would happen is you get put in a comatose state, if you were unlucky enough to not get put in that state, you would either have years of your lifetime shaved off, or if you were really unlucky...die. As it's inventor and a reincarnated Soul, he assumesmd that he had an immunity to these affects, as he had felt no Shift in his life essence as he would have felt if he had the second scenario. And as far as the being Comatose was concerned, he only got extremely tired and sleepy.
It was also prone to prematurely wilting a Wand, which was why it was necessary to receive a new one before hopping on the Hogwarts Express.
His original wand had been a good Fourteen and a half inches long, and had been made of Accacia with a Unicorn Hair Core.
Since then, he had received a New Wand, Pine with Thunderbird Tail Feather and had been very careful so as not to use the Horcrux destroying spell with this wand. He was after all quite closely attached to the Thunderbirds species.
He had one as a Companion, and just as Dumbledore's Phoenix Fawkes had provided a Tail Feather to the Original Wand of Voldy, and Potters own wand, so too had his Thunderbird provided one for his new Wand. A Wand of Pine enjoyed being used Creatively and would adapt without protest to new techniques and spells, and was very sensitive to Non-verbal Magic.
When he went to meet Garrick Ollivander to ask him to appraise his new wand, Ollivander claimed it was unyielding and stubbornly loyal, and was very good for Transfiguration and Dueling.
The man had also asked of Shikoa Wolf, grandson of famous Wandmaker and Garrick's friend Shikoba Wolf. Shikoa recently received his master Wandmaker papers and Ollivander wanted some news.
Giovanni told him what he could, and the elderly Wandmaker clearly appreciated it.
He didn't have too many friends left alive after all.
''Students, I realize that you're all eager to settle in, but please wait a moment. Professor Sprout has a few words for you.'' The male Prefect of Hufflepuff says.
''Thank you Gabriel. Greetings, my name is Professor Pomina Sprout, I am the Head of Hufflepuff House and your Herbology Professor. For twelve years I have been Hufflepuff's house head, diligently nurturing the the members of the House of the Badger like my own greenhouse.'' Professor sprout starts, pausing to take in each students face, specifically each new students.
''It is my hope that each and every one of you will be a credit to me, yourselves, and your house. Additionally, I expect to hold each of you to a hold yourselves to higher standard than the other Houses, because I certainly will.'' Sprout continues
''Lastly, remember to respect your peers and teachers. That is all.'' Sprout says.
''Boys, follow me, girls follow Lucy. Form orderly lines.'' Perfect Gabrial says.
Giovanni sat in a room, his room.
This room was his now. The Rooms were sorted alphabetically and as a boy with R sorted into Hufflepuff and given his two years at Ilvermorny, Professor Sprout had decided to have him bunk with a Third Year. Apparently were it not for his prior two years of education he would've bunked alone.
Anyway, the Third Year in question, was Cedric Diggory.
Cedric was likable enough, and Giovanni definitely enjoyed chatting with the boy.
Cedric had left a little bit earlier, he apparently had a meeting with Professor Sprout an hour after the introduction to The House of the Badger.
Giovanni didn't mind, in fact it gave him an opportunity to center himself and his emotions.
Another side effect of his Horcrux Killing Curse was intense emotional disarray. It was a reason why his original Wand needed to be replaced according to Wolf. Because Souls we're the intangible and incorporeal element of a person, personality traits and emotions were often what affected spells. Interacting with a broken soul like one would when destroying a Horcrux essentially pitted essence against essence, and MACUSA-led Research had determined that any such clash of souls would temporarily remove the casters personal sense of emotional balance and throw their emotions into disarray.
He wasn't very good with talking about his emotions, and he struggled often to truly express what he was truly feeling. That blowup at the Bloody Baron was an oversight caused by not having schooled his emotions before the damn boats.
And Giovanni was under no illusions that he'd been paying for it in some way.
More often than not the person he appeared to be was not his true self, just a facade he wore.
In this world there were only five people who truly mattered to him, and he would use all three Unforgivables to protect them if he had to.
It was a little bit less than half an hour before Cedric came back and handed him his Timetable for the following day and week.
The Timetable was as follows:
Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Potions
9:55 am till 11:35 am: Free Time
Class 2: 12:55 pm till 1:40 pm: Free Period
Class 3: 1:50 pm till 2:35 pm: History of Magic
2:45 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time
Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Charms
9:55 am till 10:40 am: Free Time
Class 2: 10:50 am till 11:35 am: Defense Against the Dark Arts
12:55 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time
Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Potions
9:55 am till 11:35 am: Free Time
Class 2: 12:55 pm till 1:40 pm: Transfiguration
1:50 pm till 3:30 pm: Free Time
Class 3: 3:40 pm till 4:25 pm: Flying
4:35 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time
Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Charms
9:55 am till 11:35 am: Free Time
Class 2: 12:55 pm till 1:40 pm: Magical Theory
1:50 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time
Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Potions
Class 2: 9:55 am till 10:40 am: Potions
Class 3: 10:50 am till 11:35 am: Herbology
12:55 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time
Class 4: 12:10 am till 12:55 am: Astronomy
Quidditch Game: 2:45 pm till end of game.
Free Day
Cedric told him that those Free Periods would change week by week depending on the Professors and various classes and other events involved such as Quidditch and whether or not someone would get a detention period.
One thing was certain, Giovanni was not pleased about what time Cedric told him breakfast was.
That meant that he would have to wake up at five in the morning if he had any chance at continuing his morning routine.
Just another day in the House of The Badger Giovanni supposed.....