Chapter 7: Alone

'I'm back...' She thought as she placed her hand on the doorknob. Hesitantly she opened the door and saw nobody was there. 'Today, then...' She thought as she walked onto the roof, closing the door behind her. She walked to the railing and looked onto the horizon with a pained expression. 'This is... My only shot...' She thought as she began taking her shoes off.

'Finally, nobody else...' She thought as she took off her shawl and dropped it. She climbed over the railing. 'It's ironic...' She thought as she held herself over the edge. 'Almost fifty people came here and I spoke to them, and they left better than before...' She thought as she leaned forward a bit.

'Yet here I am alone, with nobody to talk to me.' She thought as tears formed in her eyes. 'But, well... I suppose it's fitting.' She thought as tears began to fall from her face and she let go of the railing. As she began to fall she closed her eyes, but suddenly felt something grab her wrist as the sound of the roof door slamming shut could be heard.

She opened her eyes and looked up. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked the girl with clear pale skin and silky hair shakily as tears fell from her eyes.

"That's not important!" She yelled. "Hey, Koen! A little help!?" She yelled as she turned her head over to somewhere on the roof.

"You can just let go." Erika said. 'There goes the mood...' She thought

"Like I can just do that!" The girl yelled as Koen came over and helped to pull Erika back onto the roof.

"Why did you guys come here? I thought you decided to do other things." Erika asked as she sat against the railing.

"Well..." Koen started.

"We heard from a bunch of people that apparently some girl was coming here every day and stopping people from jumping, in fact, I met Koen because of that rumor." The girl said.

"Yeah, and when I told her that you had stopped me, she seemed shocked." Koen said.

"It took a couple of days for us to realize why you might be coming here every day, but when we did, we realized we may not have much time." The girl continued.

"That being said, what could make you want to jump...?" Koen asked. Erika stood up.

"Sorry, but..." Erika spoke as she put her shoes back on. "There's only one person who could understand..." She continued.

"Like I'm gonna buy that!" The girl yelled. "Speak up already!" She added. Erika put her shawl back on and sat down with a dark expression.

"Fine." She said.