"What did l hear you say? You are coming with me? look who ever sent you to kidnap me just tell me the person's name so that l can put him behind bars and also tell me how much he paid you I will even double the amount for you, just let me go" Nessy could hear the pleading in her voice and felt irritated by it. Why should she be pleading to this man, he was a bafoon after all.
Geb stared directly into her eyes and he saw fear in them but she still kept a straight face. He saw her pride and arrogance overshadowing the lonely innocent girl within her. He liked that she was too proud to accept her fear. He knew she was intimidated by his aura but didn't want to loose her guard.
"Mortal," Geb started trying to talk some sense into her "l am unknown in this timeline and need guidance till l find my stance go back to my timeline, and as your god, even though I now know that you don't acknowledge me, l tell you now this day that l shall come with you, l shall trust you and you shall trust me and you shall help me regain my will in full, powerful enough to break the will of my father holding me down then l shall relive thee of my burden. But until then, l am coming with you where thou goest so will l, and l shall shield thee from every of thine enemies and never let thee lack until my burden is fulfilled. Dost thou accept to make me Geb the Egyptian god of earth thy god till my burden is fulfilled? Geb asked Nessy who seemed to be lost in thoughts.
'Bla bla bla... What was this fool ranting?' Nessy thought as Geb was speaking. Was he composing a poetry or was he reciting a verse from the bible? No actually, he was reciting a verse from the mythology of the Egyptian gods. What Nessy mostly puzzled about was why was he speaking like a god or he is practicing for a play and why should it be before her.
Omg! now she gets it maybe he wants to get the gig of advertising for their new products but it wasn't about gods but about male and female skincare products. Come to think of it he was a feast to the eyes, Nessy thought as she tried looking at him from head to toe then she realized he was still naked , her cheeks flushed but she thanked God it was dark, she could still view his perfect physique.
Nessy dropped the thought immediately when he stopped talking and asked her if she accepted. She was not sure what, but guessed it was if she wanted him to get the gig.
"Yes, sure of course you have the gig and l can see you have nowhere to stay, you can stay with me my mansion, there's quite enough space for two. " she said with a straight face.
'This stupid mortal 'Geb thought 'what she thinking about, gigs, poetry, advertising, what was all that he couldn't understand. But what was clear to him was that she was ogling him. He smiled a little and turned a serious face when she blurted out that she accepted.
From the thoughts going through in her mind, Geb knew she did know the meaning of what she just agreeded to. Without wasting time, he picked a sharp rock and slashed her arm and licked the blood that flowed and healed the arm immediately. He has to do that to bring it to a convenant as they did in his time to make the god's claim stronger.
"Wtf what did you just do?" everything happened with the speed of light Nessy 's eyes wasn't following his movements. The next thing she knew was that she was feeling the sensation going through her the strains made body hairs to stand and began to sweat profusely. She didn't understand what was going on, her head spinned and she was losing consciousness till she felt Gebs strong arm on her waist as he muttered few words and breathed into her.
After the breathe, she felt alive again but assaulted how dare he touch her, She felt embarrassed and angry. Immediately, she landed him a hard slap on his left cheek and began to yell "how dare you touch my waist, are you insane, have you gone mad? apologize to me now"
Geb was marveled but not upset how can this mere mortal ask apology from a god she just as accept as the owner of her life. 'Stupid human' he thought.
"What is your name ? "he asked her ignoring her rage. Because he very well after scanning her thoughts that she will never understand any of his actions because the ways of gods were no longer heard of in this century.
Nessy couldn't believe her ears so this pervert assaulted her and instead of apologizing, he decides to ask her name. 'Why is he so bold? ' she thought 'why do l feel like I am the one to accord the respect here'.
With this, Geb gave a sinister smile. Atleast for the fact that she is getting his aura means he is still the god of earth he will forever be and even though he hasn't been worshipped for years past, judging the present world, he could still be a god to a mortal, and gain glory.
Feeling defeated a little, she told him her name "my name is Nessy Saadid ".
"Ok Nessy l am Geb , egyptian god of earth. But since l am now your god you will call me lord" Geb said with every atom of authority.
"Hell no... "Nessy raged "this is the height of it first you harass me , second you physically abuse me, after that, you assault me now you want me to call you lord, hell no Geb!" she blurted out his name and he gave her a death stare 👁 👁 with his hazel orbs as she felt weak in the knees her fury died down immediately as fear began to envelope her. Geb just leaned unto her with his breathe brushing her bare neck and said "let's go home".
'O my goodness did l make a mistake by shouting at him, who is this man exactly ' Nessy's thoughts went to the back of her mind as Geb leaned unto her, she felt his hot breathe on her neck and felt an intense heat within. She came back to reality when she heard "let's go home".