The Nile

"Your mother is right Geb" Shu stepped in "we must begin immediately, and not give the supreme father any more time"

"Sure father" Geb affirmed "let's begin".

At this, he walked to the waterfall were Nasi, Hata and Sera sat. "This is the waterfall mother" he pointed "and this below it is the water body where is falls into" he said moving his hands from the waterfall to the water body below. "I suppose this is where she fell into right Hata?" He asked turning to Hata.

"Yes my lord" she nodded "she fell into that side of the water" she said pointing at a distinct area of the water.

"Good" Geb breathed "mother" he called turning to Tefnut.

"Yes Geb" Tefnut replied "l will begin the the discerning immediately" she said as she walked closer to the water body.