I am nothing

"I believed it was so important that you save your consort, but l never thought you would be here so soon. Is she safe now?" Thot questioned Geb and Aposis immediately they appeared at the apex of the pyramids where he stood waiting for them.

"She is safe now Thot Aposis answered. "Now take us to Shai so we can get the hell out of here".

"Patience demon lord is a virtue I believe you have portrayed all these while. So why ruin your calm now when you know you can just get to En-Naddaha now if you want to". He walked closer to the already fired up Aposis before speaking again. "I know you are only helping Geb because she begged you to. That is very devoted of you".

"Enough Thot" Geb interrupted before Aposis could think of the right attack to rain on him. He was very angered with the way he talked about his love, and the last thing Geb wanted was another interruption to their reason for being here. "Just take us to where we can find Shai".

"You mean take you to him"