Mr Adly (2)

"Did you send it to her?"

"Of course my lord" Urchan bowed. "I made sure the groceries where delivered to her as soon as possible".

"Good. What name did you give the delivery man?"

"Your second human name my lord. Adly. "

"You did well" he complimented.

Aposis still could not get over the fact that he met his En-Naddaha today. He hoped that the day he would meet her again would be blessed and they will have alot of things to say, and memories to share because she will certainly remember him. But he was disappointed, she did not even remember his face but back then when she was a demon, she could recognize him in any form he took more especially now that he was in his own mortal form, not possesing someone else's body.

"My lord do you think she knows who she is?" Urchan asked. "I mean she did not even recognize you and am sure that means she has no memory of who she was".