
The restaurant was crowded. It was lunchtime for most of the firms around, and since the restaurant was situated in the middle of a busy commercial place, it attracted patrons.

Stuck up business men in overpriced suits, elegant blondes and a handful of brunettes in designer labels, well dressed PAs and secretaries all hurrying to grab a bite before being pulled back into the various offices around were the usual crowd at Mallory's.

Shane had more than his own share of overpriced suits. But he didn't exactly dress the part this particular afternoon, preferring a casual T-shirt and jeans to look as inconspicuous as possible, nothing that would give out his identity to the supposed inside eye.

He didn't exactly know the woman he was meeting. His personal assistant had given him the address of the restaurant and asked him to change out of his suit into normal clothes, then wait for the woman who supposedly had relevant information. He wasn't the type to obey people, especially those who worked for him. But he knew a brilliant deal when he saw one. Plus Lorraine, his assistant had a good brain in her head.

He was seated facing the doorway of the restaurant, like Lorraine instructed. The lady was already ten minutes late. He didn't care for lateness at all, it was far too unethical and rude to keep someone waiting for this long. He wondered if Lorraine had gotten the time of the meeting wrong.

He looked at his watch for the fifth time in a row and sighed, he was wasting valuable time. Time he could be using to address the ever growing pile of work on his desk.

"I've been watching you for the past few minutes," a voice drawled.

Shane looked up from his watch to see a tall woman, with bright red hair. He had seen her walk in a few minutes after he got in, but she had taken a seat at the back.

"Yeah. So?" Shane asked. He didn't bother to offer her a seat, but she pulled one out and sat down anyway.

"I'm Betty Dawson. The inside mole?"

Shane relaxed a bit before giving her a disapproving frown, he had waited too long for her. And she had been sitting at the back, the whole time. "I've waited too long. My boss needs me back at the office, so let's skip the formalities and get straight to business."

"Cut that crap. I know you are Shane Malcolm. You still look rich and all, even with the ridiculous get up," she laughed.

He tensed, wondering if he had messed up the whole deal. He should have listened to Lorraine's first advice and sent someone else. "Okay. You caught me. Now tell me what's holding this deal right now? Mr Black won't see better elsewhere," he shot her one of the smiles that usually got him out of tough situations, the one he reserved for charming the ladies into his bed and was surprised when she didn't even blink.

"I'm not into guys," she stated blandly, staring at him with her brows scrunched in a frown.

"Oh," was Shane's reply.

"You were supposed to meet with someone else. Betty Dawson?"

"Yeah. And you introduced yourself as her."

"I'm Destiny Black. Daughter of Kevin Black."

Shane furrowed his brows in confusion. Black Enterprises was the business he was trying to get inside information from. He didn't expect one of the major stockholders to be meeting with him with supposed inside information on the deal. Why would they come to him, unless they were trying to rat him out?

"I know, I know. But we want the same thing so you can relax. My dad is wasting too much time accepting your proposal. The company has been his whole life, my sister and I want him to retire. He's actually selling the company because of us. I don't really want the company, I'm into other prospects. My sister married royalty and is too busy serving her kingdom and all that. Dad doesn't want to sell because you ain't married," she explained.

"What? This is the twenty first century, in case you didn't notice," Shane grumbled. He had been working his ass off to fulfill all of Kevin Black's requirements, even daring to fish for information from various sources. He had also spent a lot in gifts, buttering people up and trying to find out how exactly Kelvin worked. He had been wondering what was holding the old man back. He wouldn't have ever guessed that his marital status would be an important requirement.

"Yeah. He built the company from scratch with my late mom. So he wants to rest well knowing it would be a family business just like it was with his family."

"So what's your deal. Why are you even telling me this?"

"Dad is ill. I need him to sign those damn documents and come back home. You are the only person I trust enough to hand over the company to. But dad signs the papers not me."

The waiter came to take their order. Destiny stopped speaking, while Shane folded his arms across his chest and stared at her, not quite understanding her point.

"So, what are you saying?" Shane asked immediately the waiter left.

"God! For an intelligent man, you are very dumb. Get a wife. Sign the documents, get the company and dad can rest," she gritted her teeth. If she was frustrated, Shane wasn't sure what he should be feeling. He was the one required to marry someone as soon as possible.

Shane laughed. No one had ever dared to insult him or order him around. It was refreshing. "I can see us being friends. How much do I owe you?" He pulled out a chequebook.

"Please. I don't need your money. A simple thanks will do. If by friends you mean what I think you mean, then sure. Give me a call," she stated, placing a business card in front of Shane and then standing up. "We can have lunch together, some other time. I have to run now. Enjoy your meal."

Shane watched her walk out, frustrated at the turn of events, but also slightly relieved that he knew what the problem was and could start finding solutions. He placed a few dollar bills on the table and left the restaurant.

He pulled his phone out as he got into his car. "Lorraine, I need a wife. Put an ad in the newspaper."

"A strange request, Mr Malcolm. But I'll do it anyway," she replied over the phone.
